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Journal of Biotechnology and Phytochemistry| Volume: 2
December 03-04, 2018 | Dubai, UAE
Recycling and Waste Management
International Conference on
Utilization of agricultural wastes in thermal insulators development
Abu-Jdayil Basim
Chemical & Petroleum Eng. Dept., UAE University, UAE
he UAE has one of the highest levels of energy consumption
per capita in the world. The commercial and residential
buildings in UAE account for almost 70% of the total energy
consumption. An on-going search for finding the proper
alternatives to preserve energy and minimize energy losses,
heat insulators, part of building materials, are steadily getting
their importance as a means of saving energy. Extensive
use of insulating materials in construction eventually results
in lower energy consumption and has positive reflection
on the environment by reduction in carbon emission. Heat
insulating materials (polyurethane, polystyrene, and mineral
wool) available in the local market are relatively expensive
and suffer from the low mechanical properties, which limit its
application in the construction process. Consequently, there
is a necessity to develop and come up with a cheap insulating
material that possesses excellent mechanical properties as
far as energy saving, prevention of water leak, and ease of
handling and machining are concerned. Cost reduction of the
thermal insulation materials can be achieved by using natural
materials and/or wastes as a part of the main matrix, which
will also contribute in the reduction of CO
emission. In this
study, focus was made on the formulation and development
of polymer-filler composite as an insulating material local
agricultural waste materials (Date pits and Date Palm wood)
as a filler. The solid samples produced were then subjected
to different physical, mechanical and chemical tests to come
up with a product formulation having competitive properties.
Speaker Biography
Abu-Jdayil B has completed his PhD in 1996 from Erlangen-Nurnberg University, Germany.
He is a professor of chemical engineering at the UAE University. He has over 75 publications
that have been cited over 1800 times, and his publication H-index is 24.