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Journal of Biotechnology and Phytochemistry| Volume: 2
December 03-04, 2018 | Dubai, UAE
Recycling and Waste Management
International Conference on
Recovery of silver from electronic waste
Dusan Orac, Jakub Klimko, Matus Szabo, Dusan Klein, Jana Piroskova & Ivana Urban Kobialkova
Technical University of Kosice, Slovakia
he paper deals with recovery of silver from solution after
leaching of electronic waste. Precipitation experiments
were performed in 0.1M thiosulphate solution where the silver
concentration was 4.7 μ g/ml and in 0.5 M thiosulphate with a
silver concentration of 5.98 μg/ml. As precipitating agents were
chosen: NaBH4, Na2S2O4, KI, NaCl and Na2S. The maximum
efficiency of precipitation was 100 % specifically in two cases
using NaBH4 in a 0.1 M solution at 60 °C and precipitation with
NaCl with the addition of 2 ml H2O2 also in a 0.1 M solution
at 20 °C. Precipitation efficiency above 95 % was achieved
with precipitation at 20 °C, using NaCl as a precipitant with the
addition of 2 ml H2O2 in 0.5 M thiosulphate, Na2S in a 0.5 M
solution and using NaBH4 in 0.1 M solution.
Speaker Biography
Dusan Orac works as an associate professor and co-director at Institute of Recycling
Technologies, Faculty of Materials, Metallurgy and Recycling, Technical University of
Kosice. He completed his PhD in 2010 a habilitation in 2014 at Technical University of
Kosice, Slovakia in field Environmental Engineering. His scientific and research activities
are focused on treatment of industrial as well as municipal wastes. His educational
activities are focused on secondary raw materials, hydrometallurgical processes and
production of precious and rare metals. He is a co-author of 22 scientific international
publications and has more than 100 citations mostly in CC journals and his H-index is 5.