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Journal of Public Health and Nutrition | Volume 2
July 05-06, 2019 | Paris, France
International Conference and Exhibition on
World Congress on
Probiotics, Nutrition and Functional Foods
Pediatrics and Nutrition
Joint Event
ntibiotic resistance is a global problem. It is estimated that
at least 25000 people die from it every year in Europe.
The reasons for the development of resistance can usually
be traced back to the uncritical use of antibiotics in human
medicine, in veterinary medicine but also in the agricultural
industry. The EU and WHO therefore urgently recommend
the use of antibiotics only for strict, necessary indications.
Complementary medicine, especially homeopathic medicine,
is explicitlymentioned as a possibility. Nevertheless, toomany
antibiotics are still prescribed. In his presentation, Dr. Pichler,
a very experienced holistic physician, gives an insight into
how homeopathic medicine can reduce the use of antibiotics
in human medicine. The drugs Aconitum nappellus, Atropa
belladonna, Ferrum phosphoricum, Mercurius solubilis and
Hepar sulfuris are presented as examples. It will be shown
how easily homeopathic medicine can be integrated into
everyday medical life.
Speaker Biography
Erfreid Picher is a member of the education team of the Austrian
Society of Homeopathic Medicine (ÖGHM) since 1993 and Head of the
homeopathic clinic of pediatric oncology at KlinikumKlagenfurt since 1997.
Seminar activities led him to Austria, Italy, Japan, Slovenia, Germany and
Hungary. Numerous articles and co-author in books and journals regarding
Homeopathy. Since 2002 Member of the ECH Subcommittee Politics 2012
and he became President of the Austrian Society of HomeopathicMedicine
erfried.pichler@medway.atErfried Pichler
Kinikum Klagenfurt, Austria
Together against antibiotic resistance: A possible path - the
homeopathic medicine