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Asian Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences | ISSN:2249-622X | Volume 9
July 05-06, 2019 | Paris, France
Pharmaceutics and Advanced Drug Delivery Systems
International Conference and Exhibition on
his lecture proposes to study the continuous-flow
production and the release properties of polymeric
microcarriers whose size and morphology were controlled
thanks to droplet microfluidics. Special attention will
be paid to the co-delivery of two incompatible active
pharmaceutical ingredients and to the tuning of the release
profiles by varying operating and materials parameters.
Poly(acrylate) plainmicroparticles, loadedwitha hydrophobic
model drug (ketoprofen), were produced from an off-
the-shelves capillary-based droplet generator assembled
within minutes. The dispersed phase, composed of a
mixture of mono- and poly-functional monomers admixed
with the drug and a photoinitiator, was emulsified by a
viscous aqueous solution into size-controlled droplets
which were downstream polymerized on-the-fly by UV
irradiations. The drug-release profile was easily tuned by
varying i) the weight ratio between the two co-monomers
and ii) the continuous to dispersed phase flow rate ratio. By
using the aforementioned capillary-based droplet generator,
poly(acrylamide) Trojan microparticles embedded with
previously obtained from the nanoemulsification of the
monomer phase within an elongation flow micromixer,
enable to release up to 50% of the encapsulated drug in a
sustain manner.
The use of a second capillary made possible the production
of 2-domain polymeric microparticles encapsulating in
each domain two different and incompatible model drugs
(ketoprofen and sodium fluorescein or ranitidine HCl).
Thus PH-sensitive poly (methyl acrylate)-poly (acrylamide/
carboxyethyl acrylate) core-shell on one hand and Janus
poly(methyl acrylate)-poly(acrylamide) microparticles on
the second hand were obtained by the emulsification
into droplets of two immiscible drug/monomer phases
with a viscous oil phase. Then, droplets were downstream
polymerized by UV irradiations at 365 nm far away from
the maximum absorption wavelength of the two drugs thus
ensuring their integrity. Co-release profiles were found to be
function of both the morphology of the microparticles and
their size and could be tuned by changing the flow rates of the
two dispersed and continuous phases.
Speaker Biography
Christophe A Serra is Professor at the University of Strasbourg teaching
at the European School of Chemistry, Polymers and Materials Science
(ECPM). He received his MS and PhD degrees in chemical engineering
from the National Engineering School of the Chemical Industries (Nancy)
and Paul Sabatier University (Toulouse), respectively. His researches
concern the development of intensified and integrated microfluidic-
assisted polymer processes for the synthesis of architecture-controlled
polymers and functional micro structured polymer particles.
ca.serra@unistra.frChristophe A Serra
Ikram Ullah Khan
Nicolas Anton
Thierry F Vandamme
Université de Strasbourg, France
Government College University, Pakistan
Polymeric microcarriers for the tunable co-delivery of two
incompatible APIs
Christophe A Serra et al.
, Asian J Biomed Pharmaceut Sci, | ISSN: 2249-622X
Volume 9