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Journal of Clinical Pathology and Laboratory Medicine | Volume 3
July 05-06, 2019 | Paris, France
Pathology and Surgical Pathology
International Conference on
urrently, 25-32% of military personnel that were
deployed to the Persian Gulf for Operations Desert
Shield and Storm (1990-1991) are afflicted with the
chronic disorder known as Gulf War Illness (GWI).
Veterans with GWI exhibit persistent health issues such as
unremitting fatigue, widespread musculoskeletal pain and
cognitive impairment being the most commonly reported
symptoms. The purpose of this study was to determine
whether the microrheological behavior of RBCs is altered
in GWI following exercise. We recruited seventeen Gulf
War veterans (GWV) with GWI (GWI+) and 10 age matched
controls (GWI-). Venous blood was collected pre and
post exercise. RBC deformability and aggregation were
measured by ektacytometry along with complete blood
counts. RBCs were more deformable in GWI+ pre and post-
exercise as indicated by higher elongation indices when
compared to GWI-. Aggregation formation, stability and
kinetics were similar between GWI+ and GWI– pre and post
exercise. Complete blood counts were also similar, with
the exception of mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH),
mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC)
and RBC distribution width (RDW) which was elevated in
GWI+. In this study, we observed increased deformability
in veterans with GWI+ at rest and following exercise. These
results suggest that the already abnormal erythrocytes in
GWIV are not worsen by a bout of exercise and that this
underlying abnormalitymay be a contributing factor to their
feeling fatigued. Further research is required to confirm
our findings and the role of RBC microrheology in GWI.
Speaker Biography
Michael R Condon, completed his PhD and currently working as a senior
scientist in the Department of Surgical Services at the veteran’s affairs,
New Jersey Health Care System. He has over 20 years experience
examining the effect of trauma/injury. His previous research focused on
the effect of hemorrhagic shock on red blood cell (RBC) deformability and
its contribution to organ injury/failure. His current research explores the
involvement of RBC dysfunction as a contributor to disease, has led to
a strong collaboration with Dr Michael J Falvo from the New Jersey war
related illness and injury study center, examining RBC contribution to the
maintenance of symptoms reported by veterans identified as having Gulf
War Illness (GWI).
michael.condon1@va.govMichael R Condon
Yang Chen
, Jacquelyn C Klein
, Duncan Ndirangu
Michael J Falvo
Veterans Affairs New Jersey Health Care System, USA
Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences, USA
Abnormal red blood cell rheology as a contributor to Gulf War Illness