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April 17-18, 2019 | Frankfurt, Germany
Parkinson’s, Huntington’s & Movement Disorders
International Conference on
Journal of Brain and Neurology | Volume 3
Neuroplasticity to comprehend the scientific manifestation of shoulder pain of occu-
pational workers
Sanjay Srivastava
Dayalbagh Educational Institute, India
he treatment of shoulder pain in overhead
activities in an occupational setup has been
guided by a structural-pathology paradigm where
the source of dysfunctions associated with the
injury is found at the site of injury. However, it
raises questions like why diagnostic findings do
not correlate with pain, why bilateral findings
are there with unilateral shoulder injuries, why
a great percentage of workers with damage
to shoulder muscles are asymptomatic. The
present study includes neurophysiological
processes and neuroplasticity to comprehend
the scientific manifestation of shoulder pain of
occupational workers doing repetitive overhead
activities. Neuroplasticity permits the nerve
cells to compensate for injury and disease
and to adjust their activities in response to
changes in their environment. More recent
studies have demonstrated structural as well as
functional changes within the central nervous
system (CNS) with chronic musculoskeletal
disorders. These changes are initially favourable
and help in the healing process by protecting
the injured structures from further damage.
Therefore, interventions targeting fundamental
pathophysiological mechanisms have a much better
chance of success in the rehabilitation programs.
The present work studies the effects of performing
selected rehabilitation exercises while cementing
neuroplastic changes by concentrating on the higher
planes of consciousness. Electromyographic (EMG)
activities of concerning muscles during exercises are
measured using surface electrodes (Biopac MP150,
Biopac System, CA). Experimentations involve 12
trained subjects who are able to concentrate on
planes of higher consciousness during exercises. The
results are compared with EMG activities of muscles
during same set of exercises ina structural-pathology
fundamental pathophysiological mechanisms in the
rehabilitation programs.
Speaker Biography
Sanjay Srivastava is affiliated with Industrial Kinesiology Laboratory,
Dayalbagh Educational Institute (Deemed University), Dayalbagh,
Agra, India. His research interests include Biomedical Engineering,
Occupational Health, Consciousness Studies, and Computational
Intelligence. His more recent JCR-indexed publications have appeared
in WORK: A Journal of Prevention, Assessment & Rehabilitation
(IOS Press), International Journal of Occupational Safety and
Ergonomics (Taylor & Francis), Journal of Back andMusculoskeletal
Rehabilitation (IOS Press), Applied Soft Computing (Elsevier), and
International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems (Atlantic
Press). Dr. Srivastava has been on the review board of international
conferences, JCR-indexed journals, and book-series. He has carried
out an assortment of research projects funded by prestigious agencies
of Government of India. He has delivered invited talks and chaired
sessions in exalted national and international forums.