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Journal of Medical Oncology & Therapeutics | Volume 4
March 18-19, 2019 | London, UK
Oncology & Cancer Therapy
International Conference on
The science of interstitial fluid: Non-invasive and non-radioactive assessment and measurement of
interstitial fluid data versus blood parameters in relationship to any health condition including cancer
Galina Migalko
Universal Medical Imaging, USA
ue to the many ineffective diagnostic evaluations and
treatment results of conventional medical protocols
more efficient alternatives are needed.
As cancer progresses, a dynamic microenvironment develops
that creates and responds to cellular and biophysical
indications. While largely ignored in conventional Medicine,
the pH, electrolytes and other important parameters of the
interstitial fluid (IF) of the Interstitum is suggested as an
important part in identifying any health condition, including
cancer. It is further suggested that majority of health
conditions may be the result of an over-acidic chemistry
of the interstitial fluids of the body that can be prevented
or reversed with an alkalizing lifestyle and diet (ALTD).
Extracellular fluid (ECF) is a body fluid found outside of the
cell. Plasma and interstitial fluid are the major components
of ECF. Lymph, transcellular fluid, cerebrospinal fluid,
intraocular fluid, synovial fluid, pericardial, intrapleural, and
peritoneal fluids, and digestive juices are minor components
of the ECF. The main function of the ECF is to move water
and electrolytes throughout the body. Therefore, it
maintains the homeostasis of the body while providing
nutrients to the body cells. The main difference between
plasma and interstitial fluid is that plasma contains more
proteins whereas interstitial fluid contains fewer proteins.
Most of the other dissolved products such as nutrients and
electrolytes occur in similar concentrations in both plasma
and interstitial fluid. The total body volume of the interstitial
space is three times that of plasma; however, Interstitial
Fluid (IF) compartments around the cells are microscopic. IF
bathes the cells and feeds them with nutrients by providing
a corridor between the capillaries and the cell.
Plasma and interstitial fluid are the two types of ECF in
the body. Plasma can be found inside the blood vessels
while interstitial fluid can be found in the tissue spaces.
Both plasma and interstitial fluid are mainly composed
of water. Other dissolved components are also similar in
both plasma and the interstitial fluid. Plasma contains a
higher concentration of oxygen and proteins. Interstitial
fluid contains a higher concentration of carbon dioxide. The
main difference between plasma and interstitial fluid is the
location and composition of each type of ECF in the body.
Until recently, the role of interstitial fluid (IF) was thought
to be mostly passive in the transport and dissemination of
cancer cells to metastatic sites. With research spanning,
we have seen that interstitial environment and pH has an
important effect on cancer cell in multiple cancer types.
Based on the quantitative and qualitative information of
the IF, cancerous condition can be improved significantly or
on the other hand resist therapeutics and recur. The role of
interstitial fluid in cancer prevention and treatment is very
important and needs to be taking to a serious consideration
by a medical community in order to avoid therapeutic
failure and treatment resistance. Non-invasive Blood Testing
(NIBT) and Full Body Bio-Electro Interstitial Scan (FBBEIS)
are presented as a noninvasive non-radioactive diagnostic
test to examine the body fluids pH, chemistry, metabolic
data and functionality of the organs and organ systems and
clearly understanding the meaning and differences of both
in the presence of any acidic condition. Qualitative and
quantitative Blood Evaluation (BE) is used as an important
part of determining hematological data to compare with
the interstitial fluid analysis. In addition, non-invasive
Full-Body Thermography (FBT) and Full-Body Ultrasound
(FBU) combined with the interstitial fluid (IF) evaluation
are presented as a noninvasive methods to examine the
physiology, the anatomy and the functionality of the organs,
organ systems, glands and tissues in relationship to acute or
chronic health conditions including cancer in the prevention,
diagnosis, prognosis, treatment and monitoring the progress
of therapy.
Speaker Biography
Galina Migalko brings more than 30 years of excellence in non-invasive diagnostic
medical imaging. Her pioneering research in whole-body medical diagnostics using full-
body thermography, full-body ultrasound, full-body functionality and non-invasive blood
analysis testing has set her apart as the World’s leader in complementary and alternative
medical scans. These tests have also helped to educate her patients on the root causes of
their health issues so they can make intelligent decisions concerning necessary medical
treatments and avoiding unnecessary medical treatments. She lectures and trains
physicians in clinical imaging for early detection and prevention of the disease, partnering
with profit and non-profit organizations and offering nutritional and diagnostic workshops,
on webinars, social media, web-radio interviews and holds classes throughout the World
on diagnostic medical imaging and early detection of acute and chronic health issues.