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Journal of Industrial and Environmental Chemistry | Volume 2
December 06 -07, 2018 | Dubai, UAE
Pet roleum Engineer ing, Oil and Gas
International Conference on
Joint Event
haracterization of Cukurbag-Camardi-Nigde clays in the
Central Anatolia region were carried out and results
were interpreted in terms of petroleum exploration. The
clay samples taken from Cukurbag-Camardi studied area
which is located at the southeast of Nigde province were
investigated by means of spectroscopic methods. Chemical
analyses reveal that the samples chemically consist of SiO
, Al2O
, Fe2O
, MnO, MgO, CaO, Na
O, K
O, Cr
. DTA-TG measurements have been carried out for the
determinations of the thermal behaviour of the clay samples.
Firstly, the FTIR spectra of the clays known as standard clays
such as illite, illite-smectite mixed layer, chlorite (ripidolite),
montmorillonite, Ca-montmorillonite, namontmorillonite,
nontronite, kaolinite have been taken and then the spectra of
illite+quartz+feldspar, quartz+feldspar mineral associations
have been taken together with the standard clays. The
minerals included in the samples taken from Cukurbag-
Camardi study area were identified by comparing their
FTIR spectra with those of the standard clay minerals and
XRD analysis results. Moreover, to see whether any changes
occur or not in the structure of the clay samples which have
been undergone to thermal processes, FTIR spectrum of
the sample belonging to the lower level has been taken.
It has been found that the clay samples have included Na-
montmorillonite, chlorite, illite, calcite, feldspar and quartz
that silicate has a T-O-T (Tetrahedral-Octahedral-Tetrahedral)
smectite structure. In recent years, two of the methods for
petroleum exploration, organic maturity and diagenesis of
the clay minerals. During the diagenesis and metamorphism,
changes in the clay structures due to the temperature will
reflect degree of diagenesis and metamorphism. Factors
including temperature, pressure, depth and burial that are
all influential during these changes along with hydrocarbon
formation and the primary migration of the hydrocarbons
could be explained through the diagenesis of clay minerals
and organic maturation. Required temperatures for these
changes in the clay structures are in the same range with
the required for petroleum formation (60-150
C). Results
acquired by using the organic maturation could be obtained
through the spectral studies of the clay mineral structures.
Speaker Biography
Burhan Davarcioglu is currently an associate professor at the Aksaray University, Turkey. He
joined as the Engineer graduated from the Physics, Hacettepe University, Ankara-Turkey,
faculty of Engineering in 1978. In 2001-2003, he was founding chairman of technical
programsdivision inNigdeUniversityTurkey.In2010-2012,hebecameasanheadofnuclear
physics division; physics department-faculty of science and art, Aksaray University-Turkey.
He is an active member in (AIPEA-Scientific Council Member: International Association for
the Study of Clays, ATINER-Academic Member Physics Research Unit: Athens Institute for
Education and Research, AASCIT - Senior Member: American Association for Science and
burdavog@hotmail.comBurhan Davarcioglu
Aksaray University, Turkey
Spectral characterization of Cukurbag-Camardi-Nigde clays (Central Anatolian Region-
Turkey) and petroleum exploration
Burhan Davarcioglu, Oil & Gas 2018 &
Petroleum Engineering 2018, Volume 2
DOI: 10.4066/2591-7331-C2-004