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Journal of Industrial and Environmental Chemistry | Volume 2
December 06 -07, 2018 | Dubai, UAE
Pet roleum Engineer ing, Oil and Gas
International Conference on
Joint Event
rowing concerns about climate change and methane
emissions by US and Canadian federal, state and provincial
governments are attempting to address how to remove
methane gas from the atmosphere in an economical way.
Methane is generated from a variety of industrial, geologic
and biological sources but specifically discussed here are
stranded or shut-in gas wells, well flaring, coal mine leakage
and coal bed methane well sources. In the US in 2016 201
BCFGwas flared or vented with an economic loss of $522M+. In
conjunction with this problem is the decommissioning of over
74 coal-fired and nuclear power plants in the US and Canada.
The trend is toward more power plants driven by natural
gas and renewable sources excluding hydro. Governmental
and industry concern is that the decommissioning of power
plants with a capacity of 72GW will not be replaced as
quickly as needed by natural gas and renewable sources.
The deregulation of the utility market with deregulation caused
by the renewables has created volatility and has caused brown
and black outs across the country. In addition, many states in
2018 have enacted significant fines for flaring and leaking gas
from industry facilities and wells that cease methane emission
and move toward zero emissions. The equipment to process
non-marketable or secondary gas has been around for some
time. However, simply converting this gas to electricity still
creates significant emissions. In addition, converting gas to
electricity and selling it to the grid today is more easily done
in many historical oil, gas and coal areas. Another result of
the volatility in the energy markets is the rapid growth of
microgrids. These are self-contained micro-utilities that provide
consistent power and lower costs. A specific need for electricity
is the Internet industry which has projected electrical demand
for “server farms” or “data centres” for data mining to require
50 power plants at 500 megawatts each by 2020. These “server
farms” require tremendous amount of electricity to cool and
heat the facilities year round which will cause distress in the
electric grid in the US and Canada. If all of the “server farms”
were combined worldwide they would be equivalent to a
country consumption between Italy and Spain. The application
of this technology is worldwide. As governments and regulators
seek to eliminate natural gas emissions from both natural gas
wells, factories and biomass sites the need for technology will
grow. As the world economy grows the need for more diverse
sources of electricity will be benefited by this technology. The
opportunity for the gas industry is clearly present in converting
stranded, flared and abandon gas wells into profit centres and
minimize negative public viewpoint of these type of operations.
Speaker Biography
Steven A Tedesco serves as the chief executive officer and president of Running Foxes
Petroleum Inc. He was chief executive officer of Admiral Bay Resources Inc., from
November 2005 and was its president from February 2005. He was acting as chief
financial Officer of Admiral Bay Resources Inc., from September 2010 to June 13,
2018. He serves as the founding president of Atoka Geochemical Services Corp., the
parent company of Atoka Coal Labs, a leading service provider to the CBM industry
and also serves as the president of Atoka Coal bed Methane Laboratories Corp. He
serves as a CBM Consultant of Peabody Coal, Newfield Exploration, Calpine, Berry
Petroleum and Wolverine Gas & Oil. He is responsible for geological concepts and
has financed the assembly of 12 coal bed methane projects for 1.6 million acres in
the Illinois and Western Interior Basin with several private and public companies. He
served as chief executive officer and president at Advanced Cannabis Solutions, Inc.,
until August 14, 2013. He served as the chief executive officer and president of Promap
Corporation since November 1987. He was director of Admiral Bay Resources Inc.
from March 2, 2004 to June 13, 2018. He served as a director of Promap Corporation
since November 1987 and Advanced Cannabis Solutions, Inc., until August 1, 2013.
He is the sole author of one technical book and has developed a unique method for
calculating gas from mechanical logs, which is patent pending. He holds a master’s
in science in geology from Southern Illinois University, specializing in coal in 1981.
s.a.tedesco14@gmail.comSteven A Tedesco
Energid Energy Inc, USA
Conversion of methane from stranded gas wells, gas fields and biomass as a stop
gap for the electrical grid, reduction in climate change gases and low-cost source to
Steven A Tedesco, Oil & Gas 2018 &
Petroleum Engineering 2018, Volume 2
DOI: 10.4066/2591-7331-C2-004