Journal of Neurology and Neurorehabilitation Research
Volume 3
Page 23
J u n e 2 8 - 2 9 , 2 0 1 8 | D u b l i n , I r e l a n d
Joint Event on
International Conference on
International Conference on
Tariq A Munshi
Queens University, Canada
n the face of the evidence-based literature bipolar disorder remains a difficult
diagnosis, it is usually associated with comorbidities. Many patients report
up to 10-year delay from symptom onset to correct diagnosis. It is estimated
that 68% of the time they are in the depressive phase and is the cause of
severe disability. It is noted the management of the depressive phase of
the illness is even more challenging. There are several guidelines available
currently for treatment of bipolar depression. The Canadian Association of
mood and anxiety disorders came up with guidelines for treatment of bipolar
type 2 depression which appears to be relatively unique. The use of atypical
antipsychotics is becoming more popular these days compared to the mood
stabilizers. In this presentation the speaker will attempt to help the audience
achieve the above objectives. Review clinical aspects of bipolar depression
and common comorbidities. Overview of current treatment guidelines for
bipolar depression and discuss evidence-based treatment options and key
considerations for bipolar depression.
Tariq A Munshi is an Associate Professor in the
Department of Psychiatry at Queens University,
Kingston, Ontario. At present he is the Clinical
Director of the Adult Community Division. He
held the position of Clinical Director of the Acute
Inpatient Unit between 2013 and 2016. He is a
Lead Psychiatrist for the Assertive Community
Treatment Team since 2009. He had joined the
department as an Assistant Professor in March
2009 and was promoted to Associate Professor
in July 2015. He trained in the University Col-
lege of London, Camden and Islington Training
Scheme Rotation. He did Medicine from Kara-
chi, Pakistan practiced in Medicine and Family
Medicine before going to the United Kingdom.
He is interested in Schizophrenia, Severe Men-
tal Illness and its management have done re-
search on Antipsychotics, Severe Mental Illness
and its relation to Metabolic Syndrome. He has
presented in several national and international
conferences since 2013.
Tariq A Munshi, J Neurol Neurorehabil Res 2018, Volume 3