International Conference on
International Conference on
J u n e 2 8 - 2 9 , 2 0 1 8 | D u b l i n , I r e l a n d
Journal of Neurology and Neurorehabilitation Research
Volume 3
Page 18
Joint Event on
his is an integrated approach to psychotherapy, which incorporates
elements of trauma focused cognitive behaviour therapy (TF-CBT), Eye
Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), mindfulness, somatic
experiencing and sensorimotor psychotherapy (SP). This workshop gives
participants an understanding of information processing in the body following
significant life events. Gut feelings are initially registered at the level of the gut
brain. Research on the gut microbiome and its relation to mental health will be
presented. The next level of reprocessing takes place at the level of the heart
brain, which is often linked to feelings of loss panic and anxiety. Activation
of the body’s energy system continues with activation of the hypothalamic
pituitary adrenal (HPA) axis. A key component of reprocessing is overcoming
the symptoms of speechless terror, which are felt at the level of the throat and
pharynx. The goal of activating and reprocessing these sensations, motor
impulses, emotions, feelings and thoughts is to bring unconscious trauma
triggers into conscious awareness. In trauma as Bessel van der Kolk wrote in
1992, “the body keeps the score”, with 90% of information stored somatically
while we are consciously aware of only 10% of the information related to
the traumatic event. This explains why premature use of CBT is ineffective.
The reprocessing is continued with the patient being maintained in CALM
WATERS (Conscious Aware, Level-Headed, Mindful, Window of Affective
Tolerance Emotional Regulation and Stability). I will explain my two and three-
dimensional models of dissociation associated with high arousal or RAPIDS
(Racing Thoughts, Affective instability, Partitioned personality, Impulsivity,
Distress and suicidality). This will also include a demonstration of dissociation
and low arousal states or FROZEN Freeze Reaction, Oblivious, Zonked out
and Emotionally Numb. I will illustrate the use of the sensorimotor EMDR
psychotherapy with different types of traumatic dissociation with reference
to individual cases of both acute and complex PTSD. I will also introduce
delegates to quantum field theory and how quantum consciousness can be
utilized in the consultation between therapist and client.
Arthur G O’ Malley has worked as a consultant
child and adolescent Psychiatrist from 2004 and
accredited as an EMDR consultant from 2008.
He has also trained in sensorimotor psychothera-
py. He has been a Member of the UK and Ireland
EMDR Association since 2002 and was a Mem-
ber of the European Conference organizing com-
mittee for the London Conference and the Child
and Adolescent Committee. He has presented
at their AGMs in Glasgow, Manchester, Dublin
and at the European conferences in Paris and
London. He has presented widely in the fields of
trauma, neglect and the developing brain, attach-
ment disorders, personality disorders, emotional
dysregulation in ADHD and ASD diagnosis and
management. He first presented on this model
at the ISSTD 28th Annual conference in Montreal
November 2011. Recent articles on the clinical
effectiveness of BART psychotherapy have been
published to complement the book, The Art of
BART which was published by Karnac books in
London in 2015 and is available in print and as
an eBook from Amazon and
The updated version of the book, Beyond the Art
of BART: Sensorimotor Focused EMDR for Psy-
chotherapy and Peak Performance will soon be
artmail@doctors.org.ukBEYOND THE ART OF BART:
Arthur G O’Malley
Mascot Child and Family Services Limited, UK
Arthur G O’Malley, J Neurol Neurorehabil Res 2018, Volume 3