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Journal of Neurology and Neurorehabilitation Research | Volume 4
November 04-05, 2019 | Melbourne, Australia
Neurology and Neurological Disorders
International Conference on
J Neurol Neurorehabil Res, Volume 4
steopontin (OPN) is an inflammatory cytokine
inducer involved in cell proliferation and migration in
inflammatory diseases, injuries or tumors. To clarify the
functional role of OPN in reactivation of astrocytes during
brain injury, we compared OPN-deficient (OPN/KO) with
wild type (WT) mouse brains after stabbing wound injury
on the cerebral cortex as a brain traumatic injury model.
Furthermore, primary culture of astrocytes or microglial
cells from either genotype of postnatal mouse brains was
prepared and treated with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) to
induce inflammation in the cells. By the immunofluorescent
analysis on the injured brain sections, either astrocytes or
microglial cell activation was attenuated in OPN/KO mice
compared with WT mice confirmed with bromo-deoxy
urine incorporation as a cell proliferation marker. Activation
efficiency of astrocytes in primary culture was accessed using
Western blotting analysis by examining the protein expression
levels of glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) and tenascin-C
(TN-C), which are the markers for reactive astrocytes. The
expression levels of both GFAP and TN-C were downregulated
in the primary culture of astrocytes from OPN/KO mice
compared to that fromWTmice. Additionally, primary culture
of astrocytes prepared from OPN/KO mice showed only
25% of normal shaped astrocytes in a flask were produced
compared to that from WT mice. These data suggest that
OPN is essential for proper astrocytic generation in vitro
culture prepared from mouse cerebral cortex. Moreover,
OPN is indispensable for astrocyte activation in the mouse
brain injury model and in LPS stimulated primary culture.
Speaker Biography
Hiroko Ikeshima-Kataoka was graduated from Keio University School
of Medicine (Dept. of Microbiology) and got Ph.D. on the functional
analysis of calmodulin genes using transgenic mice. At the National
Institute of Neuroscience, researched on the molecular mechanism of
neuronal development using fly genetics. Then, promoted back to Keio
University School of Medicine) and started to focus on the “reactive
astrocytes” in injured mouse brain. At Jikei University School of Medicine,
aimed on neuroimmunological analysis in mouse brain and primary
culture. Promoted back again to Keio University School of Medicine
(Dept. Pharmacology and Neuroscience) and found important molecules
concerned in neuroimmunological functions of astrocytes. Now, using in
vivo imaging on mouse to analyze functional role of “reactive astrocytes”
at Waseda University, Faculty of Science and Engineering.
hilocoikeshima@gmail.comHiroko Ikeshima-Kataoka
Keio University School of Medicine, Japan
Osteopontin has Neuroimmunological function for reactivation of
Astrocytes and Microglial cells in stab wounded mouse Brain and
LPS stimulated primary culture