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Journal of Neurology and Neurorehabilitation Research | Volume 4
November 04-05, 2019 | Melbourne, Australia
Neurology and Neurological Disorders
International Conference on
J Neurol Neurorehabil Res, Volume 4
laucoma is a chronic neurodegenerative disease and
one of the leading causes of blindness. The elevated
pressure cannot explain the disease in all patients. In
glaucomatous human retinae, we could demonstrate some
significant proteomic biomarkers by LC-ESI-MSMS and
for an involvement of the immune system. Therefore, we
used several bead-based mass spectrometric approaches
for immunoproteomics. We could show alterations in
serum antibody profiles of glaucoma patients against optic
nerve and retinal antigens, upregulations (e.g. anti-HSP60,
anti-MBP) and downregulations (e.g. anti-14-3-3) have
been described. These markers were validated by antigen
microarrays and are consistent in independent study
populations. Additionally, the changes in antibody profiles
could be used as highly sensitive and specific marker for
diagnostics purposes. Using algorithm approaches from
artificial intelligence and connections of different neural
networks including deep learning approaches, we could
demonstrate a sensitivity and specificity of more then 93%.
Early diagnosis and intervention in risk patients would
offer the chance of early treatment and to slow down the
progression of disease. Furthermore, it could be shown that
the intravitreal injection of some of these antibodies shows a
neurorecovery in glaucoma animal models. We hypothesize
that the homeostasis of the autoimmune system plays an
important role in recovering and protecting those RGS in
early damage. Using these markers could allow a beneficial
translation into clinical routine for diagnosis and personal
Speaker Biography
Franz Grus is the Head of Experimental and Translational Ophthalmology.
Currently, he is working at the Department of Ophthalmology, University
Medical Centre Mainz, Germany. He is doing Research in Ophthalmology,
Bioinformatics and Immunology. Furthermore, the research is focused on
proteomics and immunoproteomics in ocular fluids and tissues acting as
proteomics core unit with mass spectrometry and customized microarrays.
He is also Consultant for pharma and start-ups. He Founded several
companies e.g. focused on development of point-of-cares devices for
diseaes such as glaucoma. He has several patent applications and approved
fgrus@eye-research.orgFranz Grus
University Medical Centre Mainz, Germany
Autoimmune Biomarkers and AI algorithms could lead to new
diagnosis and treatment options in Neurodegenerative diseases
such as Glaucoma