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J Neurol Neurorehabil Res 2017 | Volume 2 Issue 3





International Conference on



International Conference on




October 16-18, 2017 | Toronto, Canada

Wenzhen Duan

Johns Hopkins University, USA

Therapeutic target and biomarker development in Huntington’s disease


ost neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer’s,

Parkinson’s, and Huntington’s disease (HD), have

convergingpathogenesis, suchas formationof abnormal protein

aggregates and mitochondrial dysfunction in the nervous

system. Unfortunately, despite tremendous efforts by many

scientists and increasing knowledge about diseasemechanisms,

we still lack disease-modifying treatments for any of these

diseases. While these diseases affect different areas of the

brain and are distinct at the cellular and molecular levels, they

share underlying similarities. Thus, development of treatment

for any one disease has the potential to accelerate the path to

treatment for related neurodegenerative diseases. Research

into potential therapies for HD is particularly attractive because

it is a genetically homogeneous disease for which numerous

well-established animal and cell-based models exist. HD is an

autosomal dominant disease caused by a CAG repeat expansion


huntingtin (Htt), whose polyglutamine expansion is believed

to mediate the cytotoxic effects of HD. Therefore, HD serves a

model for both neurodegenerative diseases and polyglutamine

diseases. Our laboratory aims to develop therapeutic targets

and biomarkers for neurodegenerative diseases, with a focus on

HD. I will discuss our recently identified therapeutic targets as

well as biomarkers which have high potentials to be translated

into clinical application. Drug discovery has been revolutionized

in the past decade. However, despite technological advances

because of substantial investment, the number of new drug

approvals remains stagnant and the cost of bringing a drug to

market is higher than ever. This highlights the persistence of a

model of drug development that has not adapted to changes

in science and public perception of drug companies. I will use

Huntington’s disease as an example to discuss the challenges

and opportunities in the translational neurobiology and drug


Speaker Biography

Wenzhen Duan is an Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Neuroscience, Johns Hopkins

University School of Medicine, has completed her PhD in Neuropharmacology at Peking

Union Medical University, China in 1998. She is the current Director of Laboratory of

Translational Neurobiology at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. She is

internationally known for her work on translational research in neurodegenerative

diseases, particularly in Huntington’s disease. She is a pioneer in developing multimodal

micro-MRI biomarkers for preclinical studies of neuroprotective therapeutics. Her

laboratory identified key molecular targets for therapeutic intervention for HD and

conducted preclinical therapeutic trials. She has published over 70 research articles

and reviews. She is recognized by national and international organizations and serves

in Review Committee for science foundations in the USA such as NIH as well as outside

US, including UK, Austria, Swiss, Italian, and other European science foundations.
