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Journal of Materials Science and Nanotechnology | Volume: 2
August 20-21, 2018 | Paris, France
Materials Science and Materials Chemistry
International Conference on
Sheet metal forming optimization using finite element methods (FEM)
Alie Wube Dametew
Addis Ababa Institute of Technology, Ethiopia
n this study, the effects of spring back on sheet metal forming
process are examined and investigated to develop optimum
forming products strategies. Both the finite element analysis
as well as the mathematical and numerical analysis and
investigations were employed. For the analysis the effects of
sheet metal thickness, tooling geometry, friction condition,
sheet material property and sheet metal processing parameters
were considered. According to this FEM analysis investigations
during forming process of spring back on sheet metal bending
process is done. Though using both mathematical and
numerical methods the influence of sheet metal thickness,
sheet metal type, friction condition, tool radius and tool shape
on spring back to aluminium, copper, mild steel and the steel
sheet metal have been considered for investigations. According
to the investigation shows that increasing sheet metal thickness
from 1.6mm to 9.0 mm the spring back is reduced 8% and
10.18 % analytical and numerical results respectively. While a
thin sheet metal thickness highly affects the formation of spring
back on metal forming products. Since to reduce the spring
back it is better to use high strength sheet metal components
for optimum quality product and performance improvements.
Although, when increasing of sheet metal strength spring back
increases because spring back of the sheet should depend
on the yield strength of the material. As the materials yield
strength increase the spring back after un-loading also increases
i.e. using Aluminium sheet metal instead of high strength sheet
metals spring back is reduced by 56. %. For decreasing of the
tool radius leads reducing spring back. Accordingly, the effects
of sheet metal die on metal forming quality also instigated.
Finally, the result validation and optimization on sheet metal
forming process were done. Therefore, FEM analysis were
often used to calculate materials deformation behavior
and the spring back occurrence of formed sheet metals.
Speaker Biography
Alie Wube Dametew is currently a PhD student in the field of Mechanical and Industrial
Engineering. His research interests include manufacturing process improvement,
productivity, technology systems, modelling and analysis of manufacturing systems,
automation and cloud computing technology, supply chain and industrial logistic
improvement analysis, innovation and technology transfers, advanced and smart
materials, sustainability and renewable energy improvements. So far, he has worked as
lecturer and head of research and community service in Wollo University Kombolcha
Institute of Technology. He has also worked as a continuous improvement expert and
production supervisor in manufacturing companies and has sufficient experience on
industrial plant project studies.