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Journal of Materials Science and Nanotechnology | Volume 3
February 25-26, 2019 | Paris, France
Materials Science and Engineering
International Conference on
Analysis in large deformation of a rigid plastic prestressed beam in ultra-high performance fiber-
reinforced concrete
Abelim Passoli, Emmanuel ET Olodo
Clement Ahouannou
University of Abomey-Calavi, Benin
neof themajor concerns indesigning of prestressedbeams
in Ultra-High Performance Fiber- Reinforced Concrete
(UHPFRC) is improvement of their ductility fracture due to the
nature of the materials used in their manufacture. This can
induceplasticbehaviourswhich isnecessary to take intoaccount
by designing of such structures, especially when they are of
large spans. In thepresentwork, wehaveproposed an analytical
model in largedeformationof a rigidplastic prestressedUHPFRC
beam embedded at one end and having at other end rolled
support. It is approached to support a local uniform load and
externalmoment. Theproposednon-linearmodel can findexact
analytical solutions for thedeterminationof the local arrows and
the associated charge by the technique of Lagrange multiplier
which allows the finding of stationary points of differentiable
function of one or several variables under constraints. The
results of this work can be useful in design and calculation of
long span prestressed structures with plastic rigid behavior.
Speaker Biography
Abelim Passoli is a doctorate in Engineering Sciences (DOCs3s4-SPI) at the University
of Abomey-Calavi, Benin. He is a graduate of the National Conservatory of Arts and
Crafts (Cnam) of Paris in France and Higher National School of Technology (ENSUT)
in Dakar, Senegal. As a construction and planning engineer, he held several senior
positions in the public and private sector with more than 26 years of experience in the
field of transport and public works and the management of various phases of road
infrastructure, urban infrastructure, rural equipment project studies and public contracts.
As a specialist in transport economics, since 2004 he has been involved in the technical
and economic studies of infrastructure projects in Togo and in the sub-region through
the SITRASS network in the expertise and valuation of companies real estate assets.