Mater Sci Nanotechnol 2017
Volume 1 Issue 3
Magnetic Materials 2017
Page 81
October 09-10, 2017 London, UK
International Conference on
Synthesis and properties of aluminum doped
ZnO nanostructures for device applications
Sirikanjana Thongmee
Kasetsart University, Thailand
l-doped ZnO nanorods (NR’s) having Al concentration
up to 10 mol% were grown by the hydrothermal method.
XRD measurements showed that the Al substituted ZnO
NR’s maintained the hexagonal wurtzite structure for all
levels of Al substitution. EDX measurements of the ZnO: Al
NR’s indicated that the Al substitution created additional Zn
vacancies in the wurtzite structure which are reflected in the
enhanced photoluminescence emission in the visible light
spectra between 450 to 550 nm of the more heavily doped
ZnO: Al NR’s. SEM images of the heavier doped ZnO: Al
nanorods showed nano nodules being formed on the surface
of the hexagonal shaped NR’s. The saturation magnetization
of the ZnO: Al NR’s as measured by a SQUID magnetometer
increased to 10.66 × 10-4 emu/g as more Al was substituted
in. The hysteresis loops for the ZnO: Al NR’s began to exhibit
novel effects, such as horizontal shift (exchange bias field
0.0382 kOe for the 9 mol % NR) and butterfly shapes.
fscisjn@ku.ac.thMaterials Science and Nanotechnology