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Mater Sci Nanotechnol 2017
Volume 1 Issue 3
Magnetic Materials 2017
October 09-10, 2017 London, UK
International Conference on
Edouard B Sonin, Materials Science and Nanotechnology
Spin superfluidity, coherent spin precession
and magnon BEC
pin superfluidity, coherent spin precession, and
magnon BEC are intensively investigated theoretically
and experimentally nowadays. Meanwhile, clear definition
and differentiation between these related phenomena is
needed. Spin superfluidity is defined as a possibility of
dissipation less spin transport on macroscopical distances
with sufficiently large spin supercurrents. This possibility
is realized at special topology of the magnetic-order-
parameter space, such as, e.g., that in easy-plane ferro-
and antiferromagnets, or in coherent precession states
supported by pumping of energy and magnons. Recent
claims on experimental observation of spin superfluidity
(in yttrium-iron-garnet magnetic films, in particular) are
Edouard B Sonin is an Emeritus Professor at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem,
Israel. His research interests focus on the superfluidity theory and the vortex
dynamics in superfluids, superconductors, and magnetically ordered materials. He
has over 230 publications including two books.
sonin@cc.huji.ac.ilEdouard B Sonin
Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel