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Mater Sci Nanotechnol 2017
Volume 1 Issue 3
Magnetic Materials 2017
October 09-10, 2017 London, UK
International Conference on
A Chitharanjan Hegde, Materials Science and Nanotechnology
Effect of induced magnetic field on structure
and properties of electrodeposited Ni-W
alloy coatings
he effect of induced magnetic field on the process
of electrodeposition of Ni-W alloy, and its water
electrolysis character has been studied, with respect
its intensity (0.1 T to 0.4 T) and direction (both parallel
and perpendicular) of movement of metal ions. The
experimental study revealed that electrodeposition
under magnetic field, called magnetoelectrodeposition
(MED) can be used as tool to alter the morphology,
crystallinity and composition of the coatings, and thereby
to increase its corrosion resistance and electrocatalytic
activity for hydrogen evolution reaction (HER). The
experimental results demonstrated that both corrosion
resistance and HER activity of Ni-W alloy coatings
has improved to many folds of its magnitude by MED
approach. Drastic improvement in the performance
MED coatings were attributed to the difference in
process of electrocrystallization taking place under
the influence of induced magnetic field, explained
by magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) effect arises due
to Lorentz force. The corrosion and electrocatalytic
behaviors were tested using different electrochemical
techniques. The experimental results were supported
by advanced analytical techniques such as Scanning
electron microscopy (SEM), Energy dispersive
spectroscopy (EDS), and X-ray diffractometry (XRD),
and experimental results were discussed with greater
emphasis on the changed limiting current density
), affected due to applied magnetic field along with
plausible mechanism.
A Chitharanjan Hegdeis a
M.Sc.graduate with Ph. D. from Mangalore University
in 1993. He served successfully as Head of the Department of Chemistry for three
years at NITK, Surathkal (2011-2014), and presently he is a Professor at the same
department, and pursuing his research in allied fields of electrochemistry. He has
published more than 100 research papers in peer reviewed Journals of National
and International repute. He completed many R&D projects, and guided seven
Ph.D., 17 B. Tech. and 20
acrhegde@gmail.comA Chitharanjan Hegde
National Institute of Technology Karnataka, India