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S e p t e m b e r 2 4 - 2 6 , 2 0 1 8 | B u d a p e s t , H u n g a r y
Magnetic Materials 2018
Materials Science and Nanotechnology
Volume 2
International Conference on
Alessio Adamiano, Mater Sci Nanotechnol 2018, Volume 2
Alessio Adamiano
Institute of Science and Technology for Ceramics (ISTEC-CNR), Italy
agnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) have strongly emerged in nanomedicine
since their successful application inmagneticdrugdelivery, hyperthermia
and contrast agent for diagnostic imaging. MNPs are required to be targeted
to a tissue/organ to maximally accomplish their function, leading to high
concentrations in a localized area and thus to the possible arising of toxic
implications. To circumvent these issues, numerous studies were focused
on doping well-known biocompatible materials with magnetic ions to obtain
intrinsically safe and biocompatible magnetic biomaterials. At this regard, the
control over the doping mechanism is a key factor for an accurate synthesis
of the targeted biomaterial with high biological and magnetic properties. In
this work, we investigate the relation between the synthesis temperature
and the structural and magnetic properties of hydroxyapatite nanophases
synthesized by wet neutralization method in the presence of Fe2+/Fe3+ ions.
We demonstrate how the control of the synthesis parameters uniquely yields
the formation of hydroxyapatite nanophase exhibiting partial with both iron
ions - and the simultaneous formation of iron oxide- based secondary phase
- thus obtaining a nanocomposite (FeHA) whose structural and magnetic
properties are strictly related to the doping temperature determining the final
iron setting.
Fig. 1 Modulus of the Fourier Transforms of the EXAFS signals (a) and Mag-
netization versus magnetic field isotherms collected at 300 K (b).
Recent Publications
1. Adamiano A et al., (2017). Biomineralization of a titanium-modified
hydroxyapatite semiconductor on conductive wool fibers. Journal of
Materials Chemistry B. 5 (36): 7608-7621.
2. Adamiano A et al., (2017). Fe-Doping-induced magnetism in na-
no-hydroxyapatites. Inorganic Chemistry. 56(8): 4446-4458.
3. Piccirillo C, et al. (2017). Luminescent calcium phosphate bioceram-
Alessio Adamiano is a Researcher for the Italian Na-
tional Research Council (CNR) at the Institute of Sci-
ence and Technology for Ceramic Materials. He ob-
tained his PhD in Environmental Science with a project
on the analysis of protein driving biomineralization
processes in Mediterranean corals. Over the last five
years, he has been investigating the applications of
magnetic calcium phosphate materials to regenera-
tive and nano-medicine. Recently, he was awarded to-
gether with Drs C Piccirillo and M Iafisco by the Italian
Ministry of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies for
the project “RECOVER” on the transformation of fish-
ery by-products into valuable biomedical products. He
has published more than 25 papers in international
journals and six book chapters.
ics doped with europium derived from
fish industry byproducts. Journal of
the American Ceramic Society. 100 (8):
4. Sprio S et al.(2017). Tissue engineering
and biomimetics with bioceramics. Ad-
vances in Ceramic Biomaterials. 407-