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Archives of General Internal Medicine | Volume 2


April 04-05, 2018 | Miami, USA

International Conference on

Internal Medicine & Practice and Primary Care

International Meeting on

Breast Pathology & Cancer Diagnosis

Non-specific interstitial pneumonitis cellular subtype: A challenging diagnosis

William Grist


Yasmine Elamir

RWJ Barnabas Health, USA


ur patient was a 52-year-old female who was admitted

for shortness of breath and productive cough with white

sputum. The patient reported that her symptoms began

gradually five months ago and had progressively worsened. The

patient associated symptoms with a five-pound weight loss.

She denied fever, chills, hemoptysis, and chest pain. She was

seen by her primary care physician one week prior to admission

and was placed on Doxycycline for presumed community

acquired pneumonia, as well as a trial of steroids, which slightly

improved her symptoms. Patient was advised to come to the

emergency department when symptoms persisted. Patient

denied smoking, drinking, environmental, or hazardous

exposures. Patient denied having any pets. Patient worked

as a secretary. The patient was originally from Arkansas and

admitted to taking a trip there four weeks prior to admission,

but reported her symptoms started prior to this. She hadmoved

to Illinois twenty years ago. On physical exam, patient was

tachypnea and had difficulty finishing sentences. Her breath

sounds were decreased in the lung bases with mild bibasilar

crackles. Labs were unrevealing. Chest X-ray revealed basilar

opacities with associated volume loss. CT showed bilateral

areas of airspace opacity with air bronchograms suspicious for

pneumonia with lymphadenopathy. The patient underwent an

echocardiogram that showed no signs of heart failure. Patient

was initially treated with a course Ceftriaxone and Azithromycin

with no improvement. The patient was then treated with

Levaquin without improvement of symptoms. A bronchoscopy

with bronchial washing and brushing was performed which

revealed reactive bronchial cells on cytology with no evidence

of malignancy. Cardiac thoracic surgery was consulted. The

patient underwent video assisted lung biopsy and lymph node

biopsy. Lung biopsy revealed interstitial fibrosis, intra-alveolar

macrophages, type II pneumocyte hyperplasia, and chronic

inflammation with lymphoid aggregates, diagnosed as non-

specific interstitial pneumonitis cellular subtype. This case

demonstrates firstly that idiopathic interstitial pneumonias (IIP)

should be considered in patients with diffuse lung disease and

unresolving pneumonia. Secondly, although some classic cases

of interstitial pneumonia can be diagnosed with high resolution

CT, some cases still require thoracic lung biopsy for definitive

diagnosis and classification to aid treatment and prognosis.

Non-specific interstitial pneumonitis (NSIP) is rare compared

to the other six causes of IIP. NSIP is further divided into two

groups based on pathology; a cellular type and a fibrotic type.

The former is rarer and has a better prognosis. The difference

in prognosis validates having a subdivision in NSIP, especially in

our patient. Thirdly diseases like collagen vascular disease and

pneumoconiosis can cause similar findings and should be ruled

out before reaching a final diagnosis.
