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Asian Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences | Volume 8
March 26-27, 2018 | Orlando, USA
World Summit on
Healthcare & Hospital Management
International Conference & Exhibition on
Biologics and Biosimilars
Myat Thu Thu Win
AIMST University, Malaysia
Financial barrier can overcome by biosimilar products
here was an estimated 14.1 million of new cancer cases
worldwide in 2012. Four out of ten cancers occurred in
people who have low or medium level of Human Development
Index (HDI). There will be increase in new cancer patients an
estimated of 20 million annually by 2025. Thus, cancer burden
will be increased in worldwide over next decades. Biosimilar
product is one of the best solutions to reduce the burden of
cancer patients and overcome the financial barrier. Because of
only 42 patients were affordable for antiHer2 targeted therapy
in Myanmar. Breast cancer is one of the commonest cancers in
Myanmar woman even molecular targeted therapy available.
Biosimilar products decrease costs, but efficacy and safety
are consistent with the original products. For development of
biosimilar products, it is very important to conduct the post-
market pharmacovigilance in Asia because of higher rate of
unexpected adverse events can occur with biosimilar products
in compared to generic agents. Some examples of filgrastim
biosimilars are rituximab, trastuzumab, and bevacizumab.
For developing country like Myanmar financial barrier plays a
major role in treating cancer patients and great benefits may be
obtained if there is interchangeability between the biosimilar
and the reference generic products and pharmacovigilance
studies. It is suggested that financial barrier can overcome by
biosimilar products, but further studies are required to assess
the benefits and outcome of biosimilar products.
Speaker Biography
Myat Thu Thu Win has completed her MBBS, MMedSc (Pharmacology) from the Insti-
tute of Medicine (I), Yangon, Myanmar in 2002 and 2005 respectively. She has com-
pleted her PhD (Japan) at Graduate School of Medical Science Kanazawa University in
2013. She has received Japanese Government Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports,
Science, and Technology scholarship for PhD. She joined for her Post-doctoral stud-
ies in the same University for three months. Currently, she is a Medical Consultant in
Myanmar. She had not only teaching and research experience more than 7 years, but
also had clinical experience in Myanmar more than 8 years. She has accepted offer
from AIMST University in 2016 and currently doing as a Senior Lecturer in the Facul-
ty of Medicine, Asian Institute of Medical Science and Technology (AIMST) teaching
medical and dental students. She published 5 articles and total citation 79, H-index 3
and i10- index 2.