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Asian Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences | Volume 8
March 26-27, 2018 | Orlando, USA
World Summit on
Healthcare & Hospital Management
International Conference & Exhibition on
Biologics and Biosimilars
Sophia F Dziegielewski
University of Central Florida, USA
Effective communication, making a difference and having other people notice
his workshop is designed to help health professionals
“take charge” by increasing the power for successful
communication. Information covered includes learning how to
identify your own learning styles and that of others. Particular
emphasis is placed on taking this information and using it to
increase your communication skills and maximize your ability
to communicate and get your meaning across to all types
of audiences. Workshop also includes communicating with
Adult Learners and Understanding How We Learn Learning
Styles, Auditory/Visual and Kinesthetic Learning What type
are YOU? What style do others have? Ways to increase your
communication effectiveness. Attend this Seminar and: Identify
learning styles for yourself and others, and how to best apply
them in effective communication. Identify several techniques
regardinghowto improve listening and communication. Identify
strategies for improving communication while getting your
points across and reaching a greater target audience. Important
questions this seminar will answer: What type of adult learner
are you? What type of adult learners are those around you?
How can you learn to better understand yourself, maximize
your strengths and learn to communicate more effectively?
Speaker Biography
Sophia F Dziegielewski is currently working as Professor, School of Social Work
(Tenured) Chair, University of Central Florida, Institutional Review Board.