April 08-09, 2019 | Zurich, Switzerland
Green Energy & Technology
International Conference on
Page 12
Environmental Risk Assessment and Remediation | Volume 3
ISSN: 2529-8046
Regulation and Balancing of the Power Grid
Since an increased dependency on intermittent
power, mainly wind and solar, increases the demand
on the power system’s ability to regulate large
variations in power production this thesis will also
describe some possible solutions for this engineering
task; short-term and long-term regulation and
balancing of the Nordic power system (or any
power system). There are more possible technical
solutions than the ones I choose to name here,
and probably more new solutions will be invented.
Engineers love to solve problems. Here is my A to
Ω of possible technologies to balance intermittent
solar, wave and wind: The dynamic functionality of
the market economy will choose what solutions are
most efficient from a market point of view. This is a
fundamental principle of the market economy.
Speaker Biography
Per Ribbing completed his Master’s Degree in Engineering Physics
at Linköping University, Sweden in 1989. He later entered into the
area of Sustainable Development after a close encounter with oil
wars. He was the Energy Advisor for the Swedish Society for Nature
Conservation 1997-98 and worked with energy matters at the Nordic
Eclolabel 2004-2010. He also runs his owned company; Perpetuum
Energy & Environment where he is a Public Speaker, Consultant and
Educator. At present he is a PhD student at Uppsala University writing
his thesis on Climate Change Leadership: the case for electrification. He
has arranged monthly speaker pubs (ENVIRONMENTALE) for the NGO
Swedish Engineers for Sustainable Development since 1996.
per.ribbing@angstrom.uu.sePer Ribbing, Environ Risk Assess Remediat, Volume 3
DOI: 10.4066/2529-8046-C1-001