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Nov 15-16, 2018 | Paris, France

Gastroenterology and Digestive Disorders

International Conference on

Journal of Gastroenterology and Digestive Diseases | Volume 3

Service evaluation of dietetian led community Gastroenterology services

Chloe Adams Mnutr

British Dietetic Association, London


his service evaluation summarises outcome data from 97

patients seen within the service between June 2014 and

October 2015. Data collection was completed post-intervention

using outcome measures from patient records at the point of

discharge. Data collection focuses on symptom improvement,

pharmacological changes, and qualitative data, with a focus

on quality of life and patient experience. Results demonstrate

the intervention improved Stool Frequency (n87/97) and

Consistency (n88/97) in 96%, and 90% saw a global symptom

improvement of >50%. 100% (n26/26) taking medication at the

start of intervention had stopped, or reduced medication on

discharge. Analysis identified a cost saving of 72.8%. Qualitative

data identified themes demonstrating a highly positive impact

on quality of life. Pilot results led to continuation of Dietetic Led

community Gastroenterology Services. The department works

towards securing further funding to increase capacity of this


Speaker Biography

Chloe Adams Mnutr graduated with a Master of Nutrition (Honours) from The

University of Nottingham in 2010. She is registered with the Health and Care

Professions Council and is a member of the British Dietetic Association (BDA). In 2012

she went on to gain accredited training in The Low FODMAP Diet, and proposed a

dietitian led community gastroenterology service in 2013, one of the first in the UK.

She has now worked for BCHC 8 years, and also volunteers for the BDA as Coeliac

clinical lead for the gastroenterology specialist group. She has won 2 BCHC values

in practice awards for Quality and Caring categories in 2015, and 2017 respectively.

In 2018 she won NHS England’s Chief Allied Health Professional Officer Award in

Leadership for being an “Allied Health Professional in Action” initiating a dietitian led

Community Gastroenterology Service in Birmingham
