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April 08-09, 2019 | Zurich, Switzerland
Food Science and Technology
International Conference on
Journal of Food Technology and Preservation | Volume: 3
ISSN: 2591-796X
Novel detection protocol for Radical Scavenging and Antioxidant activity of
Lipophilic Antioxidants
Md Azizul Haque
Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy
ipophilic antioxidants are an important class
of chemical species of natural antioxidants
that can increase the oxidative stability of food
matrices. Common methods to determine
the antioxidant activity or oxidative stress of
lipophilic antioxidants require time consuming
protocols, although those are not vigorously
reliable. This work proposes a fast, simple and
direct method based on cyclic voltammetry to
monitor oxidation in lipid samples. Methodology
& Theoretical Orientation: The oxidative
stress during the reaction of AIBN (2, 2´-azobis
(20methylpropionitrile)) with lipid soluble
antioxidants, such as α-tocopherol, catechin,
retinyl acetate, caffeic acid and 3-hydxoxytyrosol
was evaluated. 1-propanol was used as a unique
solvent, which allowed direct dissolution of
a wide range of lipid soluble redox species.
Electron transfer (ET) capacity was evaluated by
the peak current (ip) and peak potential (E). The
kinetic rate of the reactions between laboratory
antioxidants and AIBN were measured at 60°C.
Finally, same procedure was also applied to
measure the antioxidant activity and oxidative
stress of different commercial edible oils: extra
virgin olive oil (EVOO), virgin olive oil (VOO) and,
olive by product; sansa olive oil (SOO). Findings:
The methods demonstrated that antioxidant
activity was positively correlated with increased
concentrations among the laboratory antioxidants
and EVOO, VOO and SOO samples. On the
other hand, oxidative stresses were negatively
correlated with the duration of reaction periods.
Conclusion & Significance: This method can be
the alternative of traditional methods to test lipid
soluble antioxidants in lipid matrices rapidly and
MdAzizul.Haque@natec.unibz.itJ Food Technol Pres, Volume:3
DOI: 10.4066/2591-796X-C2-009