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April 08-09, 2019 | Zurich, Switzerland
Food Science and Technology
International Conference on
Journal of Food Technology and Preservation | Volume: 3
ISSN: 2591-796X
The proximate, mineral and amino acid composition of spring, autumn leaves and
roots of
Eryngium caeruleum M.Bieb
Mannan Hajimahmoodi
Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Iran
ryngium caeruleum
M.Bieb. (Apiaceae family)
is found abundantly in northern provinces
of Iran as an edible plant. Hundred years ago,
genus known as medicinal herb in
Persian medicine books which was named
“Qaracaane” and using of the plant’s roots was
common. The aim of this study is to evaluate
nutritional parameters in roots, spring and
autumn leaves in
E. caucasicum
for the first time.
These parameters include proximate composition
(protein, carbohydrate, fat, fiber, ash, moisture
and calorie) measured by the standard methods of
the AOAC, mineral contents measured by atomic
absorption and amino acid contents measured by
RP-HPLC. The results showed that both of aerial
parts and roots of
Eryngium caeruleum
are good
sources of nutritional ingredients in comparison
with other plants. So this plant has the capacity for
prospective production of new natural medicinal
supplements in order to improve body health and
prevent or treat diseases.
Speaker Biography
Mannan Hajimahmoodi received Pharmacy Doctorate and PhD of
food science and nutrition from Tehran University of Medical Sciences
(TUMS). She is manager of Food and Drug Administration, TUMS since
2013. Now she is professor of Drug and Food Control Department,
faculty of pharmacy, TUMS. She published more than 100 papers and
managed more than 20 projects about food and nutrition. She is skillful
in analytical instruments such as HPLC, GC/MS, GC/FID, IR, UV, and
NMR and highly interested in analytical methods about food safety and
hajimah@sina.tums.ac.irMannan Hajimahmoodi, J Food Technol Pres, Volume:3
DOI: 10.4066/2591-796X-C2-009