April 08-09, 2019 | Zurich, Switzerland
Food Science and Technology
International Conference on
Page 13
Journal of Food Technology and Preservation | Volume: 3
ISSN: 2591-796X
he research aims to analyse English and Italian
caselaw inmatter of tort lawexploring differences
and analogies between the two considered legal
systems.Since Donoghue v Stevenson case (1932) in
English Law and Saiwa case (1964) in Italian law, both
House of Lords and Court of Cassazione judgments
confirm the extraordinary relevance of food in
opening up new frontiers of tort liability. This strong
connection between food and tort law may origin
from the deep link existing between food and human
life in its different aspects so that both in common
law and in civil law systems it is to be presumed that
damages deriving from defects in the packaging of
food - geopardizing human health - in the past have
attracted Courts' attention and have become the way
through which tort law has broadened its frontiers,
increasing the instruments of legal protection and
anticipating European Union Directive 1985/374 in
matter of product liability.
Speaker Biography
Domitilla Vanni di San Vincenzo is aggregate professor and researcher
Comparative Law in University of Palermo, department of Legal Sciences,
Italy; (2010) professor of European Union Law in post-graduate school
for access to Legal professions, University of Palermo, Italy; (2006) Q.C.
Attorney at Law, Member of the Italian State Bar, practicing in Supreme
Italian Court; (2008) Member of Scientific Board of the Review “Il diritto
di famiglia e delle persone”, Giuffrè editor; (2013) Member of Scientific
Board of “Collana di studi di diritto processuale civile e comparato”,
Aracne editor; (2013) Secretary of Sicilian Section of SIRD “Società
Italiana per la ricerca nel diritto comparator”, founded by emeritus
Professor Rodolfo Sacco. She has written some essays in matter of
family law, assisted reproduction, class action, punitive damages,
professional liability, judicial liability, unfair terms in contract, privacy
and two books in matter of privacy: (2012) “Riservatezza e privacy:
un’indagine comparatistica” and (2012) “La protezione dei dati personali
in prospettiva comparatistica”.
domitilla.vannidisanvincenzo@unipa.itDomitilla Vanni di San Vincenzo
University of Palermo, Italy
Food and Tort law in common law and in civil law
Domitilla Vanni di San Vincenzo, J Food Technol Pres, Volume:3
DOI: 10.4066/2591-796X-C2-007