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J u n e 2 8 - 2 9 , 2 0 1 8 | A m s t e r d a m , N e t h e r l a n d s
Joint Event on
International Conference on
International Conference on
Asian Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Volume 8
Samuel Honório
Polytechnic Institute of Castelo Branco, Portugal
besity defined as the accumulation of abnormal or excessive fat that can harm health” has increased dramatically, affecting
more and more children and adolescents. At the origin of this situation, it seems to be patterns of food behavior in which is
visible a greater consumption of calories. However, physical activity levels are very low, sincemodernization has had implications
for the population’s lifestyle, becoming less active and the acquisition of coordinating skills may be impaired during this phase
of development. The objective of this study was to analyze the influence of obesity on the motor coordination of first cycle
children, between first and fourth grade. A study was carried out with several participants of 52 students between six and nine
years of age, of both genders, belonging to two educational establishments. For the evaluation of the prevalence of obesity, the
abdominal perimeter and Body Mass Index (BMI) were used, applying cut-off points, categorizing the sample in three levels,
normal-ponderal, overweight and obesity. The assessment of motor coordination was performed using the Körperkoordination
Test für Kinder (KTK) battery. Statistical analysis of the data was based on SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Science), version
19.0. Based on the results obtained and analyzing the gender differences, it was concluded that females had lower performance
levels than the male gender. It was also evidenced that the students presented worse levels of motor performance as the age
advanced. Regarding the prevalence of obesity, it was observed that females and males obtained high and similar mean values
for the normal-ponderal category, while 25% of the sample was overweight. Regarding the level of motor coordination, it was
verified that 57.7% of the students had normal coordination and that 40.4% of the students had coordinative difficulties. Still in
this field, we can also conclude that the normal-ponderal population showed better results than the overweight population. In
conclusion, it was verified that the correlations between the BMI and abdominal perimeter with the classification in the tests of
motor coordination revealed an inverse sense and so it was concluded that the population that obtains higher values of BMI and
abdominal perimeter obtains lower motor coordination results.
samuelhonorio@ipcb.ptAsian J Biomed Pharmaceut Sci 2018, Volume 8 | DOI: 10.4066/2249-622X-C1-003