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Journal of Industrial and Environmental Chemistry
Volume 2
International Conference on
J u n e 1 8 - 2 0 , 2 0 1 8 | D u b l i n , I r e l a n d
Anabela S G Costa et al., J Ind Environ Chem 2018, Volume 2 | DOI: 10.4066/2591-7331-C1-003
Anabela S G Costa, Rita C Alves, Liliana Espírito Santo, M
Antónia Nunes and M Beatriz P P Oliveira
University of Porto, Portugal
ine-making industry produce millions of tons of residues (grape
pomace), which need proper management, both ecological and
economic levels to answer to sustainable issues. Grape pomace is mainly
composed by grape skins and seeds and can be used for tartaric acid
extraction or ethanol production. It can also be used as soil fertilizer, but
its high levels of phenolics can represent an issue since they inhibit seed
germination. Grape seeds can be used to obtain grape seed oil, which
is known for its nutritional value (72% of linoleic acid and a very high
smoking point, being adequate for frying) and moisturizing properties
(with interest for cosmetics). After oil production, a residue is obtained-
grape seed flour-which is a good source of polyphenols, including
proanthocyanidins, and dietary fiber. Cellulose, hemicelluloses, and water
extractable proteins essentially constitute grape skins that remain after
seeds removal. In order to characterize these grape pomace-derived
products, evaluate their potential for food, and feed applications, their
nutritional composition was assessed according to official methods.
The results show significant differences (p<0.05) between samples, with
the grape seed flour presenting the highest content of total dietary fiber
(82.4%) and the lowest amounts of available carbohydrates (2.7%) and
total fat (0.5%). In turn, grape skins contained significantly higher levels
(p<0.05) of total minerals (8.7%) and available carbohydrates (11.8%),
while grape seeds were the richest in total fat (9.5%). As expected, the
mixture of grape skins and seed flour presented an intermediate profile
compared to its original matrices, showing a high content of dietary
fiber (70.8%), protein (12.5%) and ash (6.4%). In general, all these grape
pomace-derived products can be seen as interesting sources of protein
and dietary fiber.
Anabela S G Costa is a Postgraduate Laboratory
Technical (MSc) at the Faculty of Pharmacy of
the University of Porto, Portugal. Since 2007, she
is a researcher of REQUIMTE (
Rede de Química
e Tecnologia
), the largest network in Chemistry
and Chemical Engineering established in Por-
tugal, which is focused on the development of
Sustainable Chemistry. Her research activities
have been developed at the Department of
Chemical Sciences of the Faculty of Pharmacy
of the University of Porto in the area of Nutrition
and Food Chemistry. She has 24 publications,
cited over 200 times. Formerly, she completed
her degree in Chemical Engineering at School of
Engineering of the Polytechnic of Porto in 2010,
and a Master’s degree in Consumer Sciences
and Nutrition from Faculty of Sciences of the
University of Porto in 2012.