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Journal of Diabetology | Volume 3

May 16-17, 2019 | Prague, Czech Republic

Diabetes and Endocrinology



International Conference on

J Diabetol, Volume 3


he exocrine dysfunctions in diabetes is an unrecognised

problem in the community. There are no adequate data

available to quote the exact number of cases. It is estimated

to be in 50% of diabetic patients in retrospective historical

observational studies. The exocrine pancreas secretes

enzymes that digest carbohydrates, proteins, fats and

bicarbonates for neutralisation of acidic chyme from the

stomach. Exocrine pancreas consists of 80% to 85 % of

the pancreas rest of the gland constitutes the endocrine

portion. Functional unit of the exocrine pancreas: Acinus.

Pancreatic exocrine insufficiency is the condition where

there is inadequate secretion of enzymes in response to the

food to maintain normal digestion. The main reasons areas

follow, inadequate secretions of pancreatic enzymes, reduced

production, reduced secretion, insufficient stimulation,

inadequate acid mediated inactivation and obstruction

to pancreatic duct. The main clinical consequence of the

pancreatic exocrine insufficiency is fat malabsorption and

digestion leading to steatorrhea’s studies have shown that in

almost 50 percent of diabetics have pancreatic dysfunction.

In type 1 diabetes up to 51 % and in type 2 diabetes it is up

to 32%. There are few theories of pathophysiology of the

exocrine dysfunction in types 1 and 2 which are as follow

pancreatic islet cells hormones regulatory functions may be

impairment, diabetic neuropathy, diabetic angiopathy causing

impaired blood flow leading to fibrosis and atrophy, elevated

hormones and peptide concentration example somatostatin

and glucagon may suppress exocrine function, concurrent

damage done by viral infections, genetics autoimmune

changes. The reclassification study talks about type 1 presence

of autoantibodies early onset, early requirement, type 2

absence of autoantibodies, no (late) insulin requirement,

insulin resistance, type 3 absence of autoantibodies, exocrine

pancreatic insufficiency, typical morphological findings. The


are done by faecal elastase concentration (most commonly

available) with the formed stool, coefficient of fat absorption

(gold standard), carbon 13 (13C) mixed triglyceride breath

test (not widely available). The main clinical consequences

of Pancreatic exocrine dysfunction are steatorrhea, and this

is evident when almost 90% of pancreatic function is lost

however experts suggests that early recognition, screening of

pancreatic exocrine dysfunction is valuable as their thoughts

are it could happen at earlier stage of the disease. Clinical signs

are abdominal pain, flatulence, weight loss and steatorrhea?

Glycaemic control (yet to be explored). The treatment with

Pancreatin improves HbA1C, improvement in clinical sign,

improves in increatin effects, fewer hypos. Do we routinely

ask for Gastrointestinal side effects in our diabetic patients,

most often no and is put down to medication (metformin)

and autonomic dysfunction rather that Pancreatic exocrine

dysfunction? I think it is time to rethink the way we look

at diabetes and pancreatic insufficiency. Early recognition

can treat the pancreatic exocrine dyfuncyion and in fact

improve HbA1C and reduce the risk of the complications

associated with diabetes.

Speaker Biography

RekhaAnniePrasad isaconsultantphysicianatatertiaryhospitalandworks

at other sites. She has been a clinician in Australia for the past 18 years

with varied experience, remote and in urban areas. She has her speciality

interests as acute medicine, pre and peri operative medicine, obstetric

medicine. She is passionate about diabetes management and chronic

disease management especially in aboriginal population. She is involved in


of Western Australia. She is also a mentor for post graduate students taking

their fellowship exams. She is on the safety and medication committee of

Sir Charles Gardiner Hospital. She is also a panel member of undiagnosed

disease panel in Western Australia. She also practices tele-medicine for

remote communities dealing with chronic diseases especially diabetes.


Rekha Annie Prasad

Sir Charles Gardiner Hospital, Australia

Epidemiology, pathophysiology, investigations, treatment for

exocrine dysfunction of diabetes