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Nov 22-23, 2018 | Paris, France
Joint Event
Nutrition and Health
International Conference on
International Conference on
Diabetes and Endocrinology
Journal of Insights in Nutrition and Metabolism | Volume 2
Prevalence and identification of yeasts responsible for mastitis in dairy cattle farms in the sidi lahcene
region in the Wilaya of Sidi Bel Abbes, Algeria
Akdouche Leila, Aissi M
Saadi A
National Veterinary graduate school of Algiers, Algeria
astitis represents one of the main diseases in dairy cows.
In Algeria, very few studies have been conducted on
the prevalence of fungal mastitis in dairy cattle farms as well
as various factors favoring their appearance and development.
In most cases, the triggers this infection is bacteria. A growing
number of fungi are currently associated with this pathology.
This is related to antibiotics too widely used in the treatment
of these bacterial agents. So we set as objectives, determining
the prevalence of mastitis caused by yeasts and the study of a
number of risk factors in some dairy farms in the region of Sidi
Lahcène,wilayaof Sidi Bel Abbes. The samples of this studywere
carried on farms of cows (mastitic cow and clinically healthy
cow) belonging to two types of farms (farms with manual
milking andmechanicalmilking farms). The risk factors included,
animal secretions, the teat cups, the hands of the milkers, the
skin of the mammary gland, the drinker, the manger, the milk
storage tank, the milk collection seal. Mycological analysis was
conducted at the Laboratory of Parasitology - Mycology from
the Higher National Veterinary School–Algiers. The isolated
yeasts were identified using microscopic characterization, and
auxanogramme realized in biochemical galleries (gallery Pasteur
Institut Pasteur Algiers and testing API® AUX Bio Merieux,
France). Our results showed a prevalence of infection with
yeast, a high frequency of isolation was attributed for the genus
Candida sp. followed by the genus Rhodotorula sp. followed by
the two genera Cryptococcus sp. and Trichosporon sp.
Speaker Biography
Akdouche Leila is currently working at the National Veterinary graduate school of Algiers,
Algeria. Her interest in the field of Nutrition and Health led her to publish several papers.