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S e p t e m b e r 0 3 - 0 4 , 2 0 1 8 | B a n g k o k , T h a i l a n d
Joint Event on
Dental Congress 2018 & World Dermatology 2018
Archives of General Internal Medicine
ISSN: 2591-7951
Volume 2
International Conference on
Arch Gen Intern Med 2018, Volume 2 | DOI: 10.4066/2591-7951-C2-006
Sei-Young Chun
Good Morning Dental Clinic, Korea
ost of the current implants have been subjected to surgery by relying on the manual operation of the surgeon by establishing a
diagnosis and treatment plan using two-dimensional x-ray and 3D CT. And taking impression for prostheses are being applied
to the implants thus placed (called analogue implant). The completeness of surgery and prostheses varies greatly even if the
procedure is performed by the same dentist, and the results will be different depending on the skill or experience of the dentists
and the doctor`s conditions of the day (called analogue implant). The author would like to introduce a most accurate system that
allows doctors to easily perform surgery and prosthodontics by combining the CBCT, intra-oral scanner, CAD-CAM machines and
3D printer. First, we obtain all the information and the 3D anatomy by merging the CT and intra-oral scanned three-dimensional
virtual images. Before operation, CAD (computer aided design) software, such as implant studio and dental manager (three shape),
is used to complete the entire operation simulation and prostheses design (3D virtual design of implant placement and prosthesis)
and then fully surgical guide and provisional crown and bridge are manufactured by CAM (computer aided milling) and 3D printer.
If the implant fixtures simulated are reproduced to the patient’s mouth by fully guided surgical guide, pre-fabricated prostheses will
be mounted within the clinically acceptable error range. To precisely reproduce the implant position 3-dimensionally at the time of
surgery, we use a simulated digital data to fabricate a fully surgical guide, and fabricate abutments, crowns and bridges. After this
preparation, the operation is carried out and the prosthodontic work is also immediately loaded (called 3D digital implant). If the
position of the implant in the 3D-simulation cannot be accurately reproduced in the patient’s mouth, the pre-fabricated prosthesis
will never fit well. The overall error is affected by precision of CT, oral scan, milling machine, 3D printer and several soft-wares. All
procedures of fully guided implant surgery and prosthodontics are completed easily, accurately and comfortably to the patients
and doctors. With this system, the author would like to introduce how to complete surgeries and prosthetics in difficult cases. The
author wants to introduce a fully guided implant system with highly precision. In addition, the author introduces the CAD-CAM-
PRINT system which produces the whole process in office.