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September 16-17, 2019 | Paris, France

Dementia and Alzheimer's Disease



World Congress on

Journal of Clinical Psychiatry and Cognitive Psychology | Volume: 03

Pictures without frames: Lexical bundles and multiword expressions in Dementia


Boyd H Davis


Margaret Maclagan

UNC-Charlotte, USA

University of Canterbury, New Zealand

‘Do you know what happened on the way to work today?’

‘Have you heard the latest about Peter?’ When we want

to introduce a story into a conversation, we usually

introduce it with a frame. This alerts the listener that the

speaker wishes to tell a story and indicates either that

it is a totally new topic or that it is relevant to what has

gone before. As Alzheimer’s Disease progresses, speakers

can find it increasingly difficult to use appropriate frames

to introduce their stories. Instead they often launch into

stories that seemingly bear no relation to what their

conversation partner has said.

In this presentation we will examine 20 conversations

between “Maureen Littlejohn” and two different types of

conversation partners over 6 years: the first author and 17

undergraduate students. All conversation partners (CP) had

the same brief: to engage Ms. Littlejohn in conversation.

No topics or time limits were specified and the CP varied

in their skill in eliciting conversation. Initially, Ms. Littlejohn

could tie her stories into questions asked by her CP. In her

last conversation with the first author, who was close to

her in age, Ms. Littlejohn was still able to hold a ‘normal’

conversation, telling stories appropriately. However, her

conversations with the students were different. Whereas

she treated the first author as a friend (even though she

could not remember her name), she felt she needed to

entertain the students. She did this by telling and repeating

‘performance’ stories and phrases without any apparent

link to the previous conversational content and without

any introductory frame. We explore how the phrasing and

the relevance of Ms. Littlejohn’s stories changed across the

6 years of recorded conversations.

Speaker Biography

Boyd H Davis (UNC-Charlotte, USA) and Margaret Maclagan (retired,

University of Canterbury, NZ) are linguists who have been collaborating

and publishing research on discourse in dementia for the last twenty

years. Their most recent articles appear in

Journal of Pragmatics

