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Journal of Neurology and Neurorehabilitation Research | Volume: 3

August 16-17, 2018 | Copenhagen, Denmark

Dementia and Alzheimer ’s Disease



World congress on


he recent achievements in the studies of neuroplasticity

led an enhanced attention to internal restorative strategies.

Neurorehabilitation, based on the principles of neuroplasticity,

is considered to be the promising way to mitigate the adverse

consequences of traumatic brain injury (TBI) to cognitive

functions. The ability of the brain to restore and to create the

neural connections makes it essential to search for methods

that could stimulate the restoration of disturbed networks and

also can help building the newways to compensate the deficit of

the cognitive functions. Technologies of cognitive rehabilitation

relying on the structural and functional plasticity of the brain

include programs of mental and physical training and various

techniques of stimulation therapy, including transcranial

magnetic and electrical stimulation, and noninvasive sensory

stimulation exploiting the BWE phenomenon. Currently, the

stimulation therapy applies a periodic rhythm of audio, visual

and other signals which can provide the local improvement of

the cortical activity in the particular range of oscillations. But it

is unable to restore the complex dynamics of the activity of the

brain characteristic of a healthy person and therefore, cognitive

performance of the person. We suppose that in patients after

brain injuries, the fractal flicker stimulation, and the stimulation

by complex-structured sound tones and signals of other

modalities will promote activating the structural-functional

plasticity and improving the memory and other cognitive

functions. Changes in the cortical activity evoked by fractal

stimuli can mediate the impact of stimulation on cognitive

performance. Theuseof newapproaches toneurorehabilitation

aimed to increase the potential of neuroplasticity can also

improve the therapeutic effects of other known methods of the

training the brain. That is, the period of enhanced plasticity can

present some therapeutic temporal window, during which an

increase in the efficiency of different others neurorehabilitation

measures should be expected.

Speaker Biography

Marina Zueva is a professor of Pathophysiology and graduated from the Lomonosov

Moscow State University (Physiology of Higher Nervous Activity), received her Ph.D.

and Biol. Sci. D. from Moscow Helmholtz Research Institute of Eye Diseases. Currently,

she is the Head of the Division of Clinical Physiology of Vision at the Moscow Helmholtz

Research Institute of Eye Diseases. She has published over fifteen peer-reviewed

full-length papers in English (over 100 in Russian) and presented near 70 topics at

international conferences.


Marina Zueva

Moscow Helmholtz Research Institute of Eye Diseases, Russia

Stimulation therapy with complex-structured stimuli in the neurorehabilitation after TBI