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June 10-11, 2019 | Edinburgh, Scotland
Central Nervous System and Therapeutics
International Conference on
Journal of Neurology and Neurorehabilitation Research | Volume 4
The Patterns of clinical presentation of Multiple Sclerosis in patients admitted to the
National Center of Neurological Sciences, Khartoum, Sudan 2018
Eteedal Ahmed A Ibrahim
National Center of Neurological Sciences, Sudan
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an immune- mediated
inflammatory disease that attacks myelinated axons in
the central nervous system leading to significant disability.
Worldwide, approximately 2.1 million peoples around the
world are affected by MS. MS is often recognizable clinically
by different patterns: relapsing and remitting, MS (80-90%)
primary progressive MS (10-20%) secondary progressive MS.
To study the patterns of clinical presentation of
MS in Sudanese patients.
This study is descriptive cross-sectional study
conducted at the national center for neurological sciences
(NCNS), Khartoum Sudan, conducted for 3 years period
from August 2015 to April 2018. The diagnosis was done
based on Poser & Mackdonalds criteria two or more clinical
attacks with Objective clinical evidence in examination of 2
or more lesions, in patients with two or more attacks with
objective clinical evidence of 1 lesion dissemination in space
demonstrated by MRI. Sixty-five patients were enrolled.
Data was collected using Questionnaire. The diagnosis was
confirmed by MRI brain with sagittal FLAIR&MRI cervical
spine, serum & CSF oligoclonal band.
Females were (90.8%) the majority of them 25
(38.4%) were within the age group from 21-30 years, most
of the patients 62 (95.4%) had no family history, 18 patients
(27.6%) had decreased visual acuity 13 patients (20%)
had ataxia, 33 patients (50.7%) had past history of similar
condition, most of the patients 40 (64.6%) had more than
two lesions detectable in their brain MRI, 12 (18.4%) patients
were examined for CSF analysis, Oligoclonal band was found
in all of them.
Females predominated in 91% of the patients,
the most affected age group was ranging between 21-30
years. Relapsing Remitting type was predominating. Oligo-
clonal band was detected in all of the patients. Azathioprine
was found to be very effective.
Speaker Biography
Eteedal Ahmed A Ibrahim is an associate professor of Medicine &
Neurology in the Faculty of Medicine Alneelin University. Also she is
working in the National Center of Neurological Sciences at Khartoum,
Sudan. She is working on the field of neurology.