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June 10-11, 2019 | Edinburgh, Scotland
Central Nervous System and Therapeutics
International Conference on
Journal of Neurology and Neurorehabilitation Research | Volume 4
Blood Pressure management in different types of Stroke - A systemic review
Birendra Kumar Bista
NeuroCardio and Multispeciality Hospital, Nepal
troke alters the cerebral autoregulation as a result blood
pressure is elevated in most of the stroke patients.
Different stroke types namely, intracerebal hemorrhage,
ischemic infarct and SAH (subarachnoid hemorrhage) each
require different ranges of BP blood pressure optimization
to maintain CPP and MAP. Inappropriate ranges of BP result
as rebleed, infarct evolution and cerebral edema. The stroke
types require different MAP (mean arterial pressure), CPP
(cerebral perfusion pressure), systolic blood pressure (SBP)
and diastolic blood pressure (DBP) to maintain adequate
cerebral perfusion. Blood pressure optimization is among one
of themost important steps in neuroprotection. This systemic
review presents the latest updates in BP management in
acute stroke. It also stipulates recommended ranges of CPP,
MAP, ICP (Intracranial Pressure), SBP and DBP, for acute stroke
management. Emphasis on, injectible antihypertensives only
in acute stroke is given and commonly used IV (Intravenous)
agents are also listed.
Speaker Biography
Birendra Kumar Bista, is one of the first neurologists of Nepal. He has
been pioneering in field of neuroscience in Nepal and established the
first neuroscience center of eastern Nepal. Through years the work of this
neuroscience center has been recognized home and abroad. He shows
keen interest in medical management and providing state of art services
to this impoverished region of Nepal. Recently he added the first stroke
center of Nepal. He firmly believes in continuous updated education and its
implementation in hospital practices.