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June 10-11, 2019 | Edinburgh, Scotland
Central Nervous System and Therapeutics
International Conference on
Journal of Neurology and Neurorehabilitation Research | Volume 4
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis viewed from MRI
Bárbara Aymeé Hernández Hernández
Cuban Neuroscience Center, Cuba
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is
an uncommon illness, it is caused by motor neuron
degeneration, upper, lower and bulbar muscles are affected.
The diagnostic is based in Scorial criteria. Some research also
report degeneration in no motor structures of the brain.
Describe Image techniques findings in ALS
During January 2016 to January 2018, twenty
patients with ALS diagnosis and twenty health subjects
were evaluated. 3T MRI image were obtained from the
patients and from the health subjects. Post- processing MRI
techniques like cortical thickness, voxel based morphometric,
diffusion techniques and cortico-spinal tract and corpus
callosum tractography were applied at different levels of the
brain structures. Also, cortical thickness was evaluated.
Cortical thickness was reduced in ALS patients in
comparison with health control group. Fractional Anisotropy
(FA) was reduced in ALS group in comparison with health
group, more significant at cortex, internal capsule and corpus
callosum. Fibers number of corticospinal tract and corpus
callosum were diminished in ALS group in relation to health
Also grey and white matter were reduce in ALS group, in
areas such as: cingulate gyrus (anterior and medium portion),
anterior portion of occipital lobe, left caudate and putamen
nucleus, right claustrumnucleus, lower andmediumtemporal
gyrus bilateral, left precentral and postcentral gyrus, corpus
callosum (medium and posterior portion), corticospinal tract
(at midbrain and pons), bilateral internal capsule (medium
and posterior third), bilateral optical radiation, bilateral lower
longitudinal fascicle, bilateral hippocampal fimbriae, bilateral
radiated corona and pontocerebellar fibers.
brainstem and corpus callosum was in correlation with clinic
(ALSFRS-R) scale and neurophysiologic abnormalities.
Cortical thickness was diminish in ALS group of patients in
relation with health group.
MRI methods show abnormalities in motor and
not motor structures of brain in ALS patients.