Journal of Pharmacology and Therapeutic Research
Volume 1 Issue 1
Clinical Pharmacy 2017
Page 56
December 07-09, 2017 | Rome, Italy
World Congress on
Clinical Pharmacy and Pharmacy Practice
Building and leading an inspired pharmacy
team: Practical application of highly effective
leadership principles
Mark Brouker
Brouker Leadership Solutions, USA
uilding and inspiring a powerful pharmacy team is
one of the most important roles of a pharmacy leader.
Uninspired teams will perform essential duties but, nothing
more. Inspired teams will certainly perform essential
duties but, more importantly, these teams will earnestly
and proactively accept challenges and initiate effective
change before the issue goes from “simple challenge” to
“urgent crisis”. In today’s extremely dynamic healthcare
environment, inspired pharmacy teams will be able to
quickly address challenges that guarantee attainment
of long-term goals. This seminar, presented by the only
United States Navy Pharmacy Officer in the history of the
US Navy to command a Family Medicine Teaching Naval
Hospital, will give the pharmacy leader practical and easily
applicable tools to build a truly inspired pharmacy team.
brouker@chapman.eduJ Pharmacol Ther Res 2017