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Journal of Nutrition and Human Health | Volume 3
J Nutr Hum Health, Volume 3
November 21-22, 2019 | Singapore
Clinical Nutrition and Fitness
International Conference on
Influence of yogic practices and vegan diet on selected physiological, biochemical
and psychological variables among diabetic affected women
C V Jayanthy
Manushi Yogic Research Foundation, India
iabetes is a growing challenge in India with estimat-
ed 8.7% diabetic population in the age group of 20
and 70 years. The rising prevalence of diabetes and other
non-communicable diseases is driven by a combination of
factors-rapid urbanization, sedentary lifestyles, unhealthy
diets, tobacco use, and increasing life expectancy.
Obesity and overweight are the most important risk factors
responsible for diabetes. Much of the diabetes burden can
be prevented or delayed by behavioral changes favouring a
healthy diet and regular physical activity. To achieve a state of
health and acceptable level of function, patient with diabetes
mellitus need to have adequate knowledge and attitude of
self-care activities. They need to clear their doubts related to
self-care activities such as vegan diet ,exercise, medication
,self-administration of insulin, foot care and follow up .To
lead an independent life, the diabetic individuals should be a
controller of his own life.
In this study, yogic practices and vegan diet were given to
experimental groups for the period of twelve weeks. The
pre-test was taken on the subjects before administering the
training. The subjects were involved with their respective
training. At the end of the twelth week training post-test was
againdoneon all the three groups. The scores of physiological,
Biochemical and psychological variables were considered as
data on the effect of varied training of yogic practices and
vegan diet on diabetic women. It was concluded that Fasting
blood glucose level, Postprandial blood glucose level, Resting
Pulse Rate, Blood pressure, Stress were significantly reduced,
and Job Satisfaction were significantly Improved due to the
influences of Yogic practices and Vegan Diet than the control
group among diabetic women.