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Current Trends in Cardiology | Volume: 03







International Congress on


December 02-03, Dubai, UAE

Joint event on

Curr Trend Cardiol, Volume: 03

ECP–Asimple, non-invasivesolution to thecomplexproblemof CADandHeart Failure

(New hope for CAD & HF Patients)

Anupam Shrivastav

Heart Care, India


odern life-style is responsible to increasing number

of CAD patients worldwide. Coronary Heart Disease

has come out as the biggest killer of human population in

past 2-3 decades. CAD / CHD, is basically a systemic disease

in which a part or parts of myocardium do not get proper

blood supply through coronaries, due to blockages or

narrowing of the vessels. Surprisingly, in spite of the large

number of morbidity & mortality caused by this disease,

the measures to check or reverse the disease process are

either not sufficient or not in the proper direction.

Initially CABG, then due to high morbidity and mortality

followed by so many post surgical complications, focus

was shifted towards balloon Angioplasty, BM Stents, DES/

Medicated Stents, but due to higher rates of restenosis &

other complications, now DEB (Drug Eluting Balloon) & bio

absorbable stents are highlighted.

But, we must hold all this & think are we going towards

right direction?

Now in 21st Century External Counter Pulsation (ECP)

has come into light as the first Non-invasive, Non-

pharmacological USFDA approved treatment modality,

which is performed without hospitalization as an outdoor

procedure, without any anesthesia, without any risk,

without any peri or post procedure complications and

without pain. Patients treated with ECP therapy, in various

trials and in thousands of ECP centers all over the world, all

the ‘ECP Experts’ have demonstratedmarked improvement

in all aspects in terms of functional angina class, increased

exercise tolerance, and a reduction in nitroglycerin use

also in all kind of myocardial perfusion assessment like MPI

scan by SPECT, Stress ECG and PET scan. These benefits

have been demonstrated in terms of increased myocardial

perfusion & enhancement in LVEF, remain durable in many

patients from 5 to even 12 years after treatment. ECP has

come out as a proven non-invasive treatment modality for

Stable CAD & Heart Failure patients. It fulfills all the criteria

for a successful CAD / LV dysfunction treatment as defined

by ACC/AHA in their published Guidelines. By this unique

treatment, presently we are treating patients of CAD/ LVF/

CHF those who are either Unfit or Unwilling for Invasive or

surgical revascularization.

ECP is a very good choice, also when it remains a big

confusion in the mind of treating consultant, whether, to

send any particular patient for PCI or not. Similarly patient

who developed re-stenosis or re-blockages after Stent

implantation, then ECP remains very good option to save

that patient from the risk and complications of CABG. In

post CABG cases, ECP is the safest option and provides

very good all round symptomatic relief & hemodynamic

improvement. ECP remains the only treatment option

for those CAD patients who are having diffuse or micro-

vascular disease including Diabetics & women.

ECP treatment provides numerous all round benefits

including even Non-cardiac improvements to all the

cardiac patients.

Now, it is the right time to change our mind-set for the

benefits of CAD patient community and provide them the

best & safest treatment available in present days, i.e. ECP,

which provide lot of all round benefits and no harm.
