International Conference on
International Conference on
J u n e 2 1 - 2 2 , 2 0 1 8 | O s a k a , J a p a n
Allied Journal of Medical Research
Volume 2
Page 16
Joint Event on
quickest estimate can be made at upper & lower lips as well as nose and breast ORA of the face. For example, in the
absence of any visible change, if right upper midline side which represents the stomach has BDORT of (-)7 or higher (-)
value, immediately stomach cancer can be suspected. 2) One page of Mouth, Hand, & Foot Writing Form. Completion
of it takes 5-10 minutes by each patient. Almost any cancer can be localized from this recording without knowing
anything about the patient. 3) From rapidly changing QRS Complex as well as rising part of the T-wave, cancer can
often be detected. 4) Abnormal BDORT changes at Thymus Gland ORA. There are 2 additional Thymus gland ORA in
the back of each hand in addition to 1 major Thymus gland ORA on the surface of manubrium bone at upper center
of the chest. In addition, BDORT of these 3 Thymus gland ORA is average adults is (-)2 but when it becomes less than
(-)1 or (+), there is high incidence of malignancy for the corresponding organs. Using these non-invasive, early cancer
detection methods, before any standard laboratory test can detect malignancy, we can often detect malignancy long
before standard laboratory tests can detect and we can treat cancer in early stage with non-invasive, individualized,
safe, effective, economical treatment.