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February 25-26, 2019 | Paris, France



World Cancer Congress

Journal of Medical Oncology and Therapeutics | Volume 4

Coexisting Human Papilloma Virus-Type 16 & Human Herpes Virus-Type 8 in the presence of repeated

electromagnetic field were found to be major contributing factor for rapid development of Cancer

Yoshiaki Omura

International College of Acupuncture and Electro-Therapeutics, USA


ur study indicated that Human Papilloma Virus-Type

16 (HPV-16) & Human Herpes Virus-Type 8 (HHV-8) in

presence of repeated electromagnetic field (EMF) become

major contributing factors for rapid development of cancer.

Originally, the author found frequent coexistence of HPV-

16 & single-cell parasite Toxoplasma Gondii. Eventually

Toxoplasma Gondii are often infected with HHV-8. As

potential source of this infection, author found most eggs

are infected with these 2 viruses & Toxoplasma Gondii.

Infections are limited to egg yolk while most egg whites

are not infected. Many cats & dogs are also infected by

these infections. Our study indicated that optimal dose of

Vitamin D3 has the following 10 unique beneficial effects:

1) significant Anti-cancer effects without side effects; 2)

marked decrease in DNA mutation which is proportional to

8-OH-dG; 3) marked urinary excretion of Viruses, Bacteria,

Fungi, & Toxic substances, including Asbestos & toxic metals

such as Hg, Pb, & Al; 4) marked increase in Acetylcholine

in the brain & the rest of the body; 5) marked increase in

DHEA; 6) marked decrease in β-Amyloid (1-42) in brain; 7)

marked decrease in Cardiac Troponin I. 8) Marked increase

in Thymosin α1 (which has powerful, anti-cancer effects &

anti-inflammatory & cancer-stimulating effects); 9) Marked

increase in Thymosin β4 (which has significant improvement

in the circulatory system); 10) anti-allergic effects. Therefore,

using unique 10 beneficial effects of optimal dose of Vitamin

D3 given orally every 8 hours since one optimal dose

lasts average 8 hours, we can obtain significant reduction

of cancer markers including Integrin α5β1 (for example

1500ng or higher value in advanced cancers reduced to

0.001~0.005ng) & 8-OH-dG (60ng or higher value can be

reduced to 0.1~0.15ng or less) without any side effect. Our

safe, effective treatment of hopelessly advanced cancer

patients with multiple metastases consist of combination

of following 4 methods: 1) Individualized optimal dose of

Vitamin D3 every 8 hours, 2) Selective drug uptake method

by manual stimulation of organ representation area of hands,

3) Manual stimulation of newly discovered Thymus gland

representation area of hands, 4) Elimination or reduction

of cancer-contributing factors including viral infections of

HPV-16, HHV-8, electromagnetic field, & any harmful drinks,

things to eat (for example, currently available toxic white rice

and toxic chemical-covered vegetables without washing with

hot water several times), wear on body surface as well as

optimal dose of Vitamin D3-inhibiting substances including

Vitamin C over 150mg contrary to Linus Pauling’s use of large

dose of Vitamin C which inhibits most important 10 unique

beneficial effects of optimal dose of Vitamin D3.
