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Journal of Medical Oncology and Therapeutics | Volume: 3
July 23-25, 2018 | Moscow, Russia
World Cancer Congress
Nonopioid painkillers as an alternative to a conventional therapy
Sergey Kozlov
Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia
ain is an unpleasant sensation with negative emotional
background that warns the body about dangerous pressure
and protects it from a damage. However, there is another kind
of pain, which instead of body protection brings unreasonable
anguish. The most undesirable kind of pain should be
considered cancer pain caused by the hyperactivation of the
nociceptive system. Such intense and chronic pain exhausts
patients both physiologically and psychologically as well as
influences on recovery processes. Properly selected painkillers
can not only alleviate the pain, but contribute to the therapy
in general. Two systems of nociception and antinociception
are closely interrelated in human to maintain a balance of pain
stimuli recognition. Opioids are actively used drug for pain relief
in cancer therapy. These molecules turn on the antinociceptive
system through the activation of mu and delta opioid receptors.
We suggest to put in the practice alternative painkillers that
can directly inhibit the nociceptive system and do not affect
on opioid receptors activation as well. First of all, this approach
allows to reduce the numerous side effects of prolonged
opioids administration during therapy. The long lasting
analgesic effect of novel drug seeds caused by their inhibitory
effect on the ion channels widely represented in the peripheral
neurons of mammalian nociceptive system and involved in pain
stimuli detection and further signal transduction. Two much
promising drug seeds undergo preclinical trials and already
have shown safety for animals and lack of additive effect.
Speaker Biography
Sergey Kozlov is the head of a laboratory of neuroreceptors and neuroregulators.
His research oriented on active molecules development and characterisation of
their biological function in cells. He has a lot of patents on compounds suitable for a
practical use in medicine.