July 01-02, 2019 | Paris, France
Brain Disorders and Therapeutics
International Conference on
Page 14
Journal of Brain and Neurology | Volume: 03
any professionals especially Clinical- and Neuro-
Psychologists when doing a medico-legal evaluation
for purposes of medical negligence or compensation
in Traumatic Brain Injury tend to focus only on the
neurocognitive fall outs as a result of the injury and how
this would impact on the ability of the patient to carry on
with an occupation and quality of life. It is the experience of
the presenter that the personality functioning-, emotional-
functioning and sexual functioning is equally important
to be focused on during a comprehensive medico-legal
evaluation for the following reasons:
(a) Research indicates that injury to the brain can cause
personality disorder. Rucco (2009) found that damage to
the frontal and temporal cortex, diffuse axonal injury and
disruptive neurotransmitter systems can cause personality
disorders and other psychiatric disorders. Nichol as early
as 2009 also stated that damage to the medial frontal
area of the brain can cause personality disorders while
damage to the limbic system, orbitofrontal cortex and left
anteromedial frontal lobe can cause aggressive disorders.
Personality disorders and psychiatric problems impact
directly on the functioning of a person in the work situation
and their quality of life. If psychiatric problems, personality
problems or aggressive disorders are found which was not
applicable prior to the injury this can directly validate a
Traumatic Brain Injury.
(b) A Traumatic Brain Injury can directly impact on the
sexual functioning of the patient – either causing inhibition
or causing disinhibition. This then also impacts directly on
the work performance of the patient as it impacts on his or
her personal life.
During the presentation some strategies for measuring
personality functioning- emotional functioning- and sexual
functioning as hidden markers for Traumatic Brain Injury
will be discussed.
Speaker Biography
Louise Olivier is a registered Clinical- and Counselling Psychologist. She
has been President of the Psychological Society of South Africa twice.
She is at present Chairperson of the Division for Neuropsychology and
Forensic Psychology of the Psychological Society of South Africa. She
has also been elected to the Professional Board of Psychology of the
Health Professions Council and has been a council member for many
years. As such she was on the committee of the Health Professions
Council of South Africa to determine the criteria for the registration
of Neuropsychologists. She has written several books in collaboration
with colleagues all over the world regarding forensic psychology and
the importance of neuropsychology in forensic work. She has been
invited as key note speaker for several conferences in the United States,
Australia, and several other countries. She does extensive work both
therapeutically and for forensic purposes with Traumatic Brain Injury
info@drlouise.co.zaLouise Olivier
Psychological Society of South Africa, South Africa
The role of the hidden markers (Depression, Sexual Dysfunction
and Personality Change) in Traumatic Brain Injury