July 01-02, 2019 | Paris, France
Brain Disorders and Therapeutics
International Conference on
Page 11
Journal of Brain and Neurology | Volume: 03
s the world population ages, the incidence of
dementing illnesses will dramatically increase. The
number of people afflicted with dementia is expected
to quadruple in the next 50 years. Repeated attempts at
pharmacological interventions have failed largely because
treatment is reserved for those already diagnosed with
dementia. It is now clear that methods to diagnose early
are critical to the success of treating dementia. Early
detection and intervention also are key to mitigating
the progression from Mild Cognitive Impairment to full-
blown dementia. Anatomical imaging, cerebrospinal
fluid markers, functional neuroimaging, such as positron
emission tomography and single photon emission
computed tomography, and molecular imaging, such
as amyloid marker imaging, will be assessed in terms
of sensitivity and specificity. Particular emphasis will be
placed on the diagnosis of Mild Cognitive Impairment –
the precursor to dementia. Cost will also be considered as
the growing population afflicted with dementia represents
an increasingly large financial encumbrance to the health
care systems of every nation. Recent meta-analysis data
of single photon emission computed tomography will
be reviewed relative to sensitivity and specificity data of
fluorodeoxyglucose and amyloid marker positron emission
Speaker Biography
Theodore A Henderson is founder of Neuro-Luminance Brain Health
Centers, Inc. and director of the Synaptic Space. He has extensive
training and experience to the practice of Psychiatry and brain sciences.
He trained in Psychiatry at the prestigious Barnes/Jewish Hospitals at
Washington University/St. Louis and Child & Adolescent Psychiatry at
the University of Colorado. He also has training in Radiology, Nuclear
Medicine, and the Genetics of Psychiatry. He established his private
practice in Centennial Colorado in July of 2000. He has achieved an
advanced level of understanding of Psychopharmacology, referred to
as Master Psychopharmacologist. He lectures regularly and has written
or published on unique treatment approaches to depression, chronic
fatigue, ADHD, and anxiety. He also has taught courses on neuroimaging.
He is a guest editor for a number of journals, including JAMA, Journal of
Neuropsychiatry, and the Journal of Nuclear Medicine.
thesynapticspace7@gmail.comTheodore A Henderson
Neuro-Laser Foundation, USA
Functional Neuroimaging in the early diagnosis of Dementia and
Mild Cognitive Impairment