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Asian Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences | Volume 8
May 14-15, 2018 | Montreal, Canada
Global Summit on
Biopharma & Biotherapeutics
The Chumash Indians of California have plant
medicines that cure chronic pain, including fibromyalgia,
whiplash, chronic back pain and bursitis. The medicines
relieve chronic pain and stop the pain from returning.
However, to cure chronic pain, opioids must be stopped
due to opioid induced hyperalgesia. The plant medicines
are applied topically, are not addictive, do not cause
tolerance and have no reported adverse reactions. California
, is made into a
liniment that is applied to painful areas of the skin. Black
sage, Salvia
is made into a decoction that is used
as a foot bath.
Case reports:
S. mellifera
decoction has cured chronic
pain in a fibromyalgia patient, a chronic back pain patient
and a bursitis patient. The decoction can be used in
conjunction with the liniment. The
A. californica
liniment has
cured chronic pain in 14 chronic back pain patients, 2 bursitis
patients, 4 patients with tendinitis/bursitis of the knee and
one patient with tendinitis/bursitis of the hip. Conclusions:
Both the decoction and the liniment containmonoterpenoids
that inhibit transient receptor potential cation channels in
the skin, down regulate chemokine production in the skin,
relieve pain and stop chronic pain. The liniment also contains
sesquiterpenes that inhibit and down regulate COX2 in the
skin which relieves pain and stops chronic pain.
Speaker Biography
James D Adams received his PhD from UC San Francisco in 1981 in Pharmacology and
Toxicology. His postdoctoral experience was at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston,
Texas and the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland. He served as a
research assistant professor at Washington State University before coming to USC
School of Pharmacy in 1987. Dr. Adams has worked on cytochrome P450 metabolism
of ketamine, phencyclidine and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the laboratories of
Neal Castagnoli, Anthony Trevor and Don Jerina. Under the direction of Jerry Mitchell,
Dr. Adams developed a widely used assay for GSH and GSSG and showed how GSH and
GSSG levels change during oxidative stress in many organs.
jadams@usc.eduChronic pain cured
James D Adams
University of Southern California, USA