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June 10-11, 2019 | Edinburgh, Scotland

Alternative Medicine and Traditional Medicine

International Conference on

Allied Journal of Medical Research | Volume 3

Learning without borders-Healing Energy

Helen Campbell

Helen Campbell Homeopathy Foundation, UK


n the aftermath of Newtonion materialistic science every

area of science purports to present a complete solution

in their area of expertise. Sadly this approach treats us

as though we are machines rather than highly developed

individuals as describedby Samuel Hahnemann (SHOrganon).

Individualisation at core of life essential when searching for


SH described disease as disturbance of Vital Force which

in health retains organism in admirable, harmonious, vital

operation for both sensation/function. (SH The Organon P9).

Definition applies to people, animals and plants. Many people

use ARNICA without realising they are using a potentised

flower energy-potentised ARNICA ENERGY.

Homeopathic medicine is system of medicine based on

exact knowledge of nature, pure experience and careful

experiments. Allopathic model does not generally do this.

(SH Organon P 52) at a deeper level by listening to patient

in depth.

Plants-when plants are transplanted there is setback

watering plants with arnica in the water enables the

plant to recover more quickly (Vaikunthanath Das Kaviraj

2012) (VDK). Homeopathy for Farm and Garden expands

knowledge of use of homeopathy for bacterial and fungal

diseases. Homeopathic medicine has 3,500 remedies which

promote very specific individualisation when searching for

remedy. Homeopathy - complete system of natural medicine

treating people – researching on humans for humans and on

animals for animal treatment. Homeopathic energy medicine

stimulates body’s healing power while searching for cause

and treating cause rather than just treating symptoms.

Speaker Biography

Helen Campbell is the founder of Homeopathy Foundation SCIO, 2019.

She is a Registered Homeopath and works passionately for Alternative

Medicine which can be alternative and / or complementary. She has set

up an educational Charity to help the community learn what is available

when treating people not diseases.
