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Allied Journal of Medical Research | Volume 3

June 10-11, 2019 | Edinburgh, Scotland

Alternative Medicine and Traditional Medicine

International Conference on


he causes of mental disturbance are multifaceted

and highly complex, but evidence suggests that the

modern approach to mental health is limited and largely

ineffective judging by the increasing number of people

suffering from mental health issues. There is more violence,

suicide, depression, anxiety, addiction and a prolific use of

psychotropic, prescription drugs than ever before. Yet it is

known that the use of medications for mental illness causes

dependancy and adverse side-effects, but an alternative,

comprehensive approach has never been explored. Modern

culture, where money is God, is a breeding ground for

mental disturbance. Loneliness, isolation, the dissolution of

family and community, and the constant bombardment of

toxic material on the collective mind, are curses of our time.

In addition, is the fact that food available to most people

is mass produced, contaminated by chemicals and low in

nutritional value all contributing to mental ill-health. The

Vedas recognised mental illness thousands of years ago by

understanding the connection between the body, mind and

spirit. Ayurveda and Yoga which are Vedic sciences address

the body, mind and spirit to get to the root cause of disease.

Vedic philosophy does not describe psychology but recognises

thatmental disturbancesmanifest as imbalances of all aspects

of the human condition, each one affecting the other. Vedic

philosophy and the principles of Ayurveda and Yoga with the

understanding of the mind and its connection to spirituality is

an effective, long-term and permanent solution to the mental

health issues of modern society.

Speaker Biography

Ann Holaday BSc. Radiation Oncology from Anglia Ruskin, Cambridge

University,UK.She isaCertifiedAyurvedicPractitioner“NationalAyurvedic

Medical Association” and “Association of Ayurvedic Professionals of North

America” and founder of “According to Ayurveda and Yoga.” in USA. She

has a practice in Washington State and is developing on-line courses in

the application of Ayurveda in mental health, ageing, diet and lifestyle,

pregnancy and newborns. She has presented at conferences in Lucknow,

Global Ayurveda Festival, World Ayurveda Conference and at ICHM

conferences at Mahatma Gandhi University, Baranas Hindu University,

Williams Research Centre in India. She is published in Holistic Healthcare

Vol 1 & 2.


Ann Holaday

Mahatma Gandhi University, India

Ayurveda, Yoga and Mental Health - Vedic Psychology