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Journal of biomedical imaging and bioengineering
Volume 1, Issue 2
October 05-06, 2017 | Las Vegas, USA
egenerative medicine promises to revolutionize medicine
through the repair or replacement of dysfunctional tissues
and organs with engineered biological or biohybrid systems.
Current, 1
generation regenerative and biomedical tissue
solutions utilize relatively simple uniform tissue constructs
formed with cells cultured in or on biocompatible scaffolds.
Future regenerative therapies will require the fabrication of
complex three-dimensional constructs containing multiple
cell types, extracellular matrices, and other elements via
customized strategies. We envision a process by which
tissue components are fabricated, including via 3D and 4D
bioprinting, and assembled in a manufacturing workflow
resulting in a final tissue product. This requires a spectrum
of biofabrication capabilities. We’ve developed a technology
platform enabling these advanced biomanufacturing
processes that is being employed to build tissues for assays,
tissue models, and replacement tissues.
Speaker Biography
James B Hoying, PhD FAHA is the Chief of the Division of Cardiovascular Therapeutics
at the Cardiovascular Innovation Institute (CII) and Professor in the Department
Physiology at the University of Louisville. He has over 25 years of experience, having
published over 116 papers and book chapters, in basic and applied biological sciences
with a focus in vascular biology and repair. He holds a number of patents related to
repairing and manipulating capillaries and cell-based therapies. He is President and
co-founder of Angiomics Inc., a biotech company advancing vascular health through
its patented isolated microvessel technology. He is also Chief Scientist and a Partner of
Advanced Solutions Life Sciences, a Louisville company advancing 3D bioprinting and
tissue fabrication. He is a Fellow of the American Heart Association.
jhoying@advancedsolutions.comJames B Hoying
Advanced Solutions Life Sciences, USA
Biofabrication of tissues for biomedical applications